
As most ports are, yes most likely it’s badly optimized and relying more on brute force to make it playable. Especially the ones coming from the playstation world usually are bad.

The PS5 has 16GB of RAM that’s used for regular RAM and VRAM. Why on Earth would PC need 32GB of RAM in addition to the 8GB - 16GB of VRAM on most high end, modern video cards?

This is a bumer, I really liked that show. It was a really fun low-stakes summer sex comedy with some very charming performances. I like 70s aesthetics so I really dug the wardrobe and soundtrack as well! I didn’t think it stood much of a chance but I thought it would at least get season 2. Maybe another streamer will

Someday very soon the only thing the entire Warner/Discovery family of platforms and stations will have to offer is this:

You need to be a giant asshole to be rich. It’s the only way to become rich and stay that way. You only get that rich by hurting other people.

Gates McFadden is incredible. Any disrespecting of her incredibleness is to be dismissed incredibly.

Way better than S1 IMO. More fascinating story and a much-improved cast.

Yeah, Daphne’s visceral reaction to Ethan’s news was the best scene in the episode. She was so hurt not only because Cam cheated on her again, but because Harper betrayed her in a sense. She tried to hard to have a girl friend in Harper, but Harper betrayed her, just like all of the other girls.

Mike White did the best directing I’ve ever seen from him tonight, showing how he was a master manipulator and creator of suspense. Every scene was meant to confuse us to what was actually going on, ambiguous, while ratcheting up the tension. Tanya on the boat felt it could have been a very giant, comical

Stopped in my tracks along with the audience when Kevin’s voice came and said “I am Batman!”

Kevin lives.

I mean, that statement applies to pretty much everything on the internet.

No. He did this to himself, and doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as Britney.

So this is the guy that Trump actually admitted inviting to his dinner party, right?

Fuck Kanye. 

I think what “ruined the family” was the insistence on using medical science to bring six more babies into the world when they already had two. THEN televising it. I don’t know if Kate was always a monster or the pressures of life in that family + fame did it, but institutionalizing a kid with ADHD for years (and then

Unlike SpaceX or Tesla, Twitter doesnt have the all important Musk Containment Management Shell™ layer of upper management required to buffer his sheer batshittery.

I don’t know if I would call it toxic, I mean what Jared Leto was doing 100% toxic.  But this is more of a harmless prank.

“No comment” is always available.

It just shows trans people aren’t real people to them

Personally I feel they should let her have her opinions”