
I don’t care if they raise the price of Disney+ a couple bucks or whatever, but when i pay several thousand dollars to go and stay at Disneyworld, then get nickle and dimed to death inside and have to pay a bunch of extraneous surcharges, that really drains most of the “magic” from the trip.”

Weird Nerds™ inbound to educate us all how loosing over 1/3rd of his personal wealth yet another example of his genius.

Disney’s next CEO... Conan O’Brien!

Well, the Bob who left is the one who used to be in charge of the parks and in the past few years since he has been in charge has screwed up the park experience with perks removed and added costs making the experience worse. Not to mention, he was also slow to respond to the whole Dont Say Gay bill in Florida (unlike

Chapek drew a lot of criticism for his handling of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. He also shut down what were considered complementary services at Walt Disney World, like the Magical Express and free MagicBands. I can’t say how much of this is valid, but people associate Chapek with rising prices and declining quality

One of them did everything at Disney that you hated, and the other did everything that you liked.

But what do Logan and Kendall make of all this?

No one is going to confuse these.

Banana for scale:

I would cackle if that happened...

The big question for me is, of course, is he going to have an eye patch?

I’m actually an Android user and I can confirm, there is no satellite connectivity feature on Android akin to what Apple has put out with Emergency SOS. But you are right that the Pixel had car crash detection before the iPhone.

Android guy here. What android does this? I'm not aware of any models that can send a message with zero cellular connectivity. 

If you opened this website at any point in the last 5 years, you know it still exists. Stop.

You’re right. He explicitly said that Jews do not control Hollywood. And then spent ten minutes implying that in fact they do.

Look, guys, either the Commonwealth has a working legal system you can use to lawfully vote out the bad rich lady or you can stage an armed coup, but not both.

So Ye’s mistake wasn’t spouting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, it was speaking the truth out loud? Holy shit - I already thought Chapelle was an asshole, but it looks like he’s ascended to a whole new level. Anyone who decides to continue giving this guy a platform can go fuck themselves.

arm up

And in the cases where a tank/rebuild worked it was always because the owner put people in place who knew what they were doing and got the hell out of the way. We all know there’s no way Elon ever does that.