
Twitter is so big that circling the drain will take time, but literally everything he’s doing will decrease engagement (and thereby revenue) on the platform in a way that finally snaking its way down that pipe is inevitable.

I read somewhere that Kid Rock makes music people who how exactly what the Sudafed purchase limit is at Walgreens.

It’s been around since 2016 and has millions of users. It’s taken off. The question is just how much it grows in response to people leaving Twitter & how many new people stick around through the growing pains. It doesn’t require 200 million users because it isn’t a company so no one’s trying to generate revenue from

Nearly 30 years later Sony fell into the Sega trap. This is could be their Sega CD/32X.

Wow, no backwards compatibility and costs as much as a PS5? Pass... 

Pro tip: In an article about something that people might want to click to, have a blatantly-obvious “this is the page” link at/near the top.

I was also reminded that Josh Brolin played Cable, Thanos and Jonah Hex. But to be fair, we all forgot about Jonah Hex.

Depends how you count Scott Pilgrim. Cause Chris Evans wins if you do... With Brandon Routh and Brie Larson hot-on-the heels second placers. Oh shit, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Aubrey Plaza too (she was in Legion)

He may not be anyone’s “favorite” character, but I liked him well enough to buy his 90's solo comic.

I know this won’t stop the racists from coming out of the wood work but Wonder Man is absolutely no ones favorite character. He’s D level at best. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II have proved himself over and over and over again that he knows his genre work. So if anyone complains that it’s not Nathan Fillion because he was once

Had he run the operation legitimately, it would only have been 170k give or take in net profit...

For all of that - he could have taken out a loan 2 years ago, bet it on the S&P, yielded a similar % return, and then paid it off with waaaaaay less effort.

Also - hawking out rentals is the silliest real-estate “play”

So, Twitter is dead, content creators are going to flee, Twitter will become a Q-anon haven, and basically just be another honeypot for the FBI to listen in, just like Parler.  Got it.

this is VERY IMPORTANT, ill star this, thanks!

This story is missing the really cool context: this episode all began with one Deviantart image by a Simpsons fan.

I love the Guardians movies and The Suicide Squad, and while I’m excited to see more James Gunn DC movies, I don’t want every DC movie to be a James Gunn movie. He’s said in the past that he likes to take lame, reject comic characters that no other directors can take seriously, and imbue them with more heart and

He’s a white guy in a country club in Arkansas. It’s at least 50/50 he’s a douche nozzle.

Seriously, I was coming here to say this exact thing. Austin Clagett did nothing wrong here and is just being screwed over by two companies that were too cheap to cover their offered prize.

Starred for the Man from Uncle reference.  Which should ALWAYS be referenced .   Shame that a sequel is almost certainly never happening.

I would be very happy if we had a soft reboot of the Big Blue Boyscout. Jettison all the pofaced scowling of the Snyder movies and let Henry Cavill smile as Superman. Rewatched the Man from Uncle recently and Cavill is charming as hell in that movie. I want him to do that kind of performance as Supermsn. 

What a hero.