
It’s impressive they even organized one Amazon warehouse. Even aside from all the union-busting tactics, the churn at these is relentless - it’s easy for a mass of pro-union workers to get swamped and later depleted by turnover.

Merchandising! Where the real money is made!

Could be Russians as a FU to NATO members, or the US wanting to sale EC their gas.

Hey Apple,

Damn, this is fucked up. Everyone involved, from the guards who first injured him, to the ones who ignored him, to the doctors that “examined” him, need to face charges over this and lose whatever licenses they have for life.

I...don’t understand why I’m supposed to be bothered by this? His political platform sounds like a mess, but demonstrating his commitment to destigmatizing sex work by doing sex work isn’t a bad thing on its own. No one is forcing anyone to watch his porn.

Seriously Mark stop trying to make “metaverse” happen. It’s not going to happen,

Wow it’s almost like he’s some sort of bizarre, soulless, upward-failing weirdo who has a compulsive need to be liked and may not actually be a complete genius.

never forget:

God, the idea of Musk trying to make Nathan Fielder laugh with his juvenile, simple “Babylon Bee is peak satire” brand of humor, with all of the edginess of a 14 year old on reddit in 2014, is just about the saddest and cringiest thing I can think of.

And the “I Only Understand what Fox News Tells Me” Award goes!

*Woman is seriously injured*

Looks like both!

Every conversation I’ve ever had with a lawyer about those waivers is that they’re basically worthless if you have a lawyer who’s at least minimally competent.

Depends on the language of the waivers, and there are things that a waiver cannot actually waive.

Fuck yeah!
And if I’m not mistaken, that’s Codpiece (From Doom Patrol #70) at the 0:51 mark!

I hope they bleed them for all they’re worth. fuckers.

I smell multiple lawsuits incoming.

Honestly, I am surprised—very pleasantly surprised!—that Doom Patrol survived HBO Max’s culling.

Oh fuuuuuck