
You’re right. He explicitly said that Jews do not control Hollywood. And then spent ten minutes implying that in fact they do.

So Ye’s mistake wasn’t spouting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, it was speaking the truth out loud? Holy shit - I already thought Chapelle was an asshole, but it looks like he’s ascended to a whole new level. Anyone who decides to continue giving this guy a platform can go fuck themselves.

I read somewhere that Kid Rock makes music people who how exactly what the Sudafed purchase limit is at Walgreens.

this is VERY IMPORTANT, ill star this, thanks!

This story is missing the really cool context: this episode all began with one Deviantart image by a Simpsons fan.

He’s a white guy in a country club in Arkansas. It’s at least 50/50 he’s a douche nozzle.

Seriously, I was coming here to say this exact thing. Austin Clagett did nothing wrong here and is just being screwed over by two companies that were too cheap to cover their offered prize.

Damn, this is fucked up. Everyone involved, from the guards who first injured him, to the ones who ignored him, to the doctors that “examined” him, need to face charges over this and lose whatever licenses they have for life.

I...don’t understand why I’m supposed to be bothered by this? His political platform sounds like a mess, but demonstrating his commitment to destigmatizing sex work by doing sex work isn’t a bad thing on its own. No one is forcing anyone to watch his porn.

Ah, yes, Ryan Reynolds being ‘mean’ is why you won’t be in any more Deadpool films. Sure... that’s it.... 

Maybe it’s just me, but this seems like a nothing story.

After *points at last paragraph*, TJ Miller wasn’t going to be in the movie regardless. I don’t see why we should care about his potentially made up cover-feud.

“I’m not going to visit the White House again,” says Putin. “Those guys have been super rude to me. I’m not going to their state dinner no matter how many times they ask.”

*Woman is seriously injured*

Looks like both!

Every conversation I’ve ever had with a lawyer about those waivers is that they’re basically worthless if you have a lawyer who’s at least minimally competent.

Depends on the language of the waivers, and there are things that a waiver cannot actually waive.

I hope they bleed them for all they’re worth. fuckers.

I smell multiple lawsuits incoming.

Don’t be silly. Nothing about it is new.