Kind of low, even for Lifetime, not the most sensitive network to these issues. Director Thora Birch is kind of an alarming credit though, kind of surprised this isn’t worse
Kind of low, even for Lifetime, not the most sensitive network to these issues. Director Thora Birch is kind of an alarming credit though, kind of surprised this isn’t worse
“Lifetime said the film aims to “bring to life Gabby and Brian’s doomed love story”
Also a stern look and statement of disappointment from superiors. No mention of the incident in their records.
Per the LAPD, while Tipping was giving a demonstration that involved grappling from a high height with another officer, both fell to the ground, “resulting in a catastrophic injury to Tipping’s spinal cord.” The other officer did not die.
Wait a minute, the LAPD is claiming that he fell from a high height where he had been demonstrating how to grapple with someone? That sounds like something the Kremlin would say after murdering one of Putin’s critics.
We’ll just have to wait 2 or 3 more years to find out that the body cameras malfunctioned JUST as the exercise began, then turned back on to find his his body swollen lying on the ground, while everyone was standing by to help. Guess those 4 cops will get 6 months paid leave and maybe a nice talking to.
Well, we don’t have all the facts yet, and if there is one organization that has earned the benefit of the doubt with their years, nay decades, of administering upstanding, evenhanded, incorruptible justice, it is the LAPD, surely!
I’m not sure why you think the other things on that list HAVEN’T hurt him with voters.
That New Yorker profile is a hack job. Strong’s performance as Kendall is brilliant, one of the most layered performances on TV, a case study in making the audience sympathize with an unlikeable character. Comedy is drama in disguise. Succession would collapse if Strong played Kendall as an SNL impersonation of Donald…
A lot of people wouldn’t have a sense of humor about an outsider coming in, gathering negative quotes about them while pretending to be interested in what they were doing, and painting their working style in a negative fashion. People spend a good portion of their lives in their careers and many want that time to be…
I just attended an NSRA event this weekend. Close to 1000 street rods, some you wouldn’t even recognize from their original appearance. Cars have to be at least 30 years old to display. There’s some crazy engine builds in there, north of 1000hp. Basically the entire area gets overrun with street rods for the weekend…
The other excerpts in the Guardian show him softening toward Radcliffe and even occasionally meeting with him outside of shooting the films. They seem to have had a mentor-mentee relationship by the end. It does not appear he liked Watson much at all. He writes that he read in Vogue while receiving medical treatment…
Sounds like we found one of the assholes that goes to these gatherings. And this was not the only incident. If you follow the threads on social media Wildwood people are claiming the police blotter was filled the whole weekend with accidents and other carnage. And there was at least one other incident with serious…
You sound exactly like a “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” MAGAt.
The unsactioned gathering is what draws these folks in. This guy was just the worst offender becuase he killed two people. Please tell me what “other points of view” I should examine about having modded cars drag race in the middle of a small town with a lot of pedestrian traffic.
That’s a big assumption there buddy....that I would support reckless driving anywhere let alone in my own community where my neighbors and friends would be at risk. Do I support people modding their own cars even if I think it looks silly? Sure. If these folks want to “unnoffically” get together in a big parking lot…
It did start as a tuned VW thing and from my understading the original founders of H20i have disavowed what this spectacle has turned into.
Some really Incel energy right here.
“fat” is derogatory.
It’s called thicc with two Cs now, grandpa.