
I think it depends what the control options and framerate on the switch version are. If they haven’t at least updated it so the “two n64 controllers for dual analog” control settings will work on the switch then it’s going to be unplayable for a lot of people.

Seems pretty slam dunk.  As long as the judge doesn’t allow the “qualified immunity” claim ... which would be bullshit.

It’s really telling that she’s doing a lot of handwringing about her children “because they’ll have to see that,” when she is literally the only one of the two children’s parents who has spoken publicly in a disparaging way about the other.
I think a kid is far more likely to have difficulty processing a) reading an

Nah, there is such a thing as commercialized feminism. She did it as a scandal move to draw attention to her deal with the company to sell their oils. She does it often. It is sensastionalism feminism to sell something and makes feminism look cheap and empty. There are several good articles on why marketing campaigns

In addition, Jason has spoken out about it and said that his only stipulation to the process servers was that she not be served where the kids were, or where they were likely to be (i.e at home or at their school),.

“there’s a reason I left that relationship.. and that reason’s name is Harry Styles”

In a divorce, everything your ex-partner does seems designed to attack you. Even the most innocuous things. Divorce papers needed to be served. Process servers often do this by any means necessary. It’s clearly not an amicable divorce. There may be ill will, but she has no way of proving Sudeikis planned the way she

From the user manual: remote vehicle monitoring and control hardware

Congrats to Jez for playing their part in the bullying!

Next you’re going to tell me that Marlon Brando wasn’t the studio’s first choice for Vito, Coppola wasn’t their first choice to direct, the studio didn’t want it to be a period piece, and the novel had a subplot about vaginoplasty! 

Maybe he’s a different person in actuality than his public persona or the roles he’s played? He’s not actually Dr. John Dorian, and Scrubs went off the air 12 years ago. His overall public persona to me seems rather affable and inoffensive. They’ve been together a long time now, and they seem happy, so why does anyone

What are you doing, Sim-Bro?

the Want to date a family member is something we know about, we’ve reproduced ourselves, we’re working on it.

This what happens when you curve the walls. It’s basically the Guggincestheim Museum.

Call it “The Red States Update” and everything’s fine. Just make sure nobody mods abortion into the game.

Assuming you’ve seen “The kid stays in the picture”?

He could star in the Dean Martin biography.

They should have just made a show about Robert Evans.  

I’ve watched the three episodes that are out, and it’s not great, but it’s worth watching just for Matthew Goode as Robert Evans. He steals every scene he’s in.