
The ones that I find most ridiculous are how him laughing at the trial proceedings and not taking them seriously are “oh such a hero”/“our king” while if she give any sort of look it’s “look at how callous/evil she is”.

This whole series of trials is an absolute shit show. The details are horrifying on both sides. What I hate the MOST are Depp fans turning court footage into GIFs and laughing at the whole thing.

It’d probably be proving that if Heard didn’t write it then at least she okayed the final wording but from the Mail article, which is hard to read because they keep referring to a “Witz” as a key decision maker with no explanation of who that is unless they mean Weitz who they identify as an ACLU employee, they don’t

I would guess that ghost-written or not, the intended “author” is still culpable to a fair degree, having consented to publish the work under their own name. But I can only guess at the actual legal rules of such an arrangement.

You ok bro?

Dou you know how you prevent shit like that of happening to you?

When a process server look for you at your home address or office you receive him or make an appointment for a later date, instead of trying to avoid and dodge it, because that’s how you get this kind of situation. Respect the job of the others and they

Counterpoint: It’s good actually

With how young he was I bet they didn’t attend because of covid 

I am VERY impressed with the pixel work shown here. There are very few, if any, repeating ‘tiles’ or copy/pasted elements in the backgrounds, and the little touches of one-time-use animations from enemy sprites as they enter the scene shows that this is not the slapped-together cash-in that it very easily could have

AAA is fucking useless. They would’ve taken so long that he would’ve lost patience and started walking anyway,

People complaining about the littlest shit about this game, I’m sorry, are total divas. It’s an homage to the previous titles we all know and love.


Ugh, I now completely don’t blame Haskins for what happened.
I drive around that area all the damn time. And yes, logic dictates that you should stay clear of any highway on foot.
But in South Florida, where reality is all sorts of questionable in our interstate system, they mask and hide highways to look like

No. No no no.
You don’t live down there, do you?
Thank to the brilliance of the highway system in south florida, they have masked highways to look like residential streets and it confuses the hell out of everyone.
You think it’s bad that there’s a 45 mph highway ten feet away from a kindergarten? Then you must be in

I don’t blame him for doing something that we take as trivial.
The real problem is: South Florida traffic is an impossible jungle of madness that it requires a satanic sacrifice to be this deplorable.
For some odd reason, they will set up 4-5 lane road with a speed limit of 45 a goddamn residential area. So

You may be talking about different things. I think the person that replied to you is talking Shredder’s Revenge while you’re talking about the TMNT Collection

??? What are you talking about? Shredder’s Revenge may be based on the old arcade titles, but it’s not them. It’s an entire brand new game. Did you not watch the video embedded in the article?

Why would there be overlays in a widescreen game? I don’t even think this game has a 4:3 mode.

His Name Is Rob Paulsen!

Sadly, the original Shredder won’t be available.