
The ones that I find most ridiculous are how him laughing at the trial proceedings and not taking them seriously are “oh such a hero”/“our king” while if she give any sort of look it’s “look at how callous/evil she is”.

This whole series of trials is an absolute shit show. The details are horrifying on both sides. What I hate the MOST are Depp fans turning court footage into GIFs and laughing at the whole thing.

It’d probably be proving that if Heard didn’t write it then at least she okayed the final wording but from the Mail article, which is hard to read because they keep referring to a “Witz” as a key decision maker with no explanation of who that is unless they mean Weitz who they identify as an ACLU employee, they don’t

I would guess that ghost-written or not, the intended “author” is still culpable to a fair degree, having consented to publish the work under their own name. But I can only guess at the actual legal rules of such an arrangement.

You ok bro?

Dou you know how you prevent shit like that of happening to you?

When a process server look for you at your home address or office you receive him or make an appointment for a later date, instead of trying to avoid and dodge it, because that’s how you get this kind of situation. Respect the job of the others and they

I would love that so much. Giving Rescue Rangers the Ducktales reboot treatment.

Likely that, or just a sociopath. He’s admitted having Asperger’s, and that can have impacts on a persons ability to relate to others socially... but it’s just as likely that he’s a power drunk nerd that has become a raging asshole and high on his own image of being “funny”

I don’t mean to make this suggestion lightly, but is Elon bipolar? Because the guy vacillates between “I want to blow $50 billion buying Twitter” and “Actually, Twitter is a giant waste of my time and I don’t want it” about 20 times per day.

Now, I just want Josh Groban to somehow, some way, to sing the theme to Gummi-Bears.

I’m glad we live in a world where doing both versions is a possibility.

Act 3 reveal, gotta keep the masses salivating for the reunion. Just the reunion. Nothing else.

I came here to find out how the Gadget Hackwrench modelling was coming along, for....reasons. Why is there no Gadget news?

This brings a question to mind, vis-a-vis streaming apps? Why don’t they allow me to hide/blacklist things?

Counterpoint: It’s good actually

would also recommend this and the Social Dilemma about the use of algorithms to essentially addict users of social media platforms and drive them insane.  Why Congress hasn’t done more to address this is beyond me; it was THE motivating force between January 6th--a bunch of unhinged extremists going down unmoderated

Holy shit. Fuck Twitter. It doesn’t need a new owner; it needs to be razed to the ground.

Please... PLEASE add USB-C

I am VERY impressed with the pixel work shown here. There are very few, if any, repeating ‘tiles’ or copy/pasted elements in the backgrounds, and the little touches of one-time-use animations from enemy sprites as they enter the scene shows that this is not the slapped-together cash-in that it very easily could have

People complaining about the littlest shit about this game, I’m sorry, are total divas. It’s an homage to the previous titles we all know and love.