
I’ll never understand how anyone ever thought Dilbert was funny.

“It should start to become known that Dilbert thinks it’s ridiculous and then people who also think it’s ridiculous will start retweeting it,” he said. “And then the boss who’s in charge of it will start to get these sent to him by email or printed out and slipped under the office door. Mockery is very powerful and

Basically anything not conservative is “woke” now.

Christ, what an asshole. 

No one with a functioning pair of eyes would call Howard overweight.

And your medical degrees is in what exactly? 

Some really Incel energy right here. 

“fat” is derogatory.

It’s called thicc with two Cs now, grandpa.

I didn’t want to be the first to mention it...

You know, I read this and can’t help but think the executives making this decision are growing out of touch with modern beauty standards.

Because, to be completely cynical and sleazy, if my talent had BDH’s ass I would not be telling her to lose it.

So similar to The Office, where both are good but different?

The American version of Ghosts very quickly after setting up the premise in a similar way becomes its own thing, driven largely by the charm of Rose McIver & the different backstory & personality of the American ghosts themselves

RE : Picard Season 3

“Conservative group forms safe haven for child porn and terrorist plotting.”

Obviously, it’s not enough raking.

I think it depends what the control options and framerate on the switch version are. If they haven’t at least updated it so the “two n64 controllers for dual analog” control settings will work on the switch then it’s going to be unplayable for a lot of people.

I can’t believe this needs to be repeated so often, but no, Cordon did not tell anyone anything new. Because every Tesla driver already knows how to trick their AP/FSD into running without interaction.

It’s really telling that she’s doing a lot of handwringing about her children “because they’ll have to see that,” when she is literally the only one of the two children’s parents who has spoken publicly in a disparaging way about the other.
I think a kid is far more likely to have difficulty processing a) reading an

Nah, there is such a thing as commercialized feminism. She did it as a scandal move to draw attention to her deal with the company to sell their oils. She does it often. It is sensastionalism feminism to sell something and makes feminism look cheap and empty. There are several good articles on why marketing campaigns