
Ugh I know that face and that is the “exactly the how long is this going to take because tiny human won’t. stop. kicking. my. bladder.” face. I know because I have it right now. Because we only have one key to the women’s restroom for the bathroom on our floor and someone apparently had to take a huge shit.

Many young doctors try to be cost aware, but the hospital systems in which they work prevent them from truly being so. Yes, they understand the importance of “billing” everything correctly, but my 28-year-old, came from poverty as a kid, extremely cost conscious resident physician husband is always shocked at the

Girl, I feel you. I’m 20 weeks now, so smack dab in the middle of month 5, and only just started looking like her 4 month shot this week. So I’m hopeful I won’t go so far? This is terrifying.

What if the combo is a subtle gender reveal? The pink bow on the bra = girl and the blue frills on the panties = boy?

I can’t be the only one who’s been silently noticing his Vogon-like appearance for the past eternity, right?

And only more than HW because HW only had one term. The EOs per year metric is a far more reliable comparison value here.

So Trump wants to suspend federal funding for Sanctuary Cities, but simultaneously wants to send feds into Chicago, a Sanctuary City, to deal with its violence problem? How’s that gonna work.......

Oh, this is a fun game! Let’s see, for birth control for one year... Well, my first insertion of Mirena failed due to a faulty applicator and then the office didn’t have a back up, so I had to come back a month later for another go around. After looking at the bills there, I would’ve had to pay $2,600 for that if it

Oh, he thinks he can get answers on environmental permits to companies quickly? The reason why its such a slow shit show now is due to severe understaffing and underfunding of the US EPA and state agencies. But nah, let’s cut their budgets and freeze hiring to make things go faster. Oh, think that cutting regulations

A friend who lives in DC decided to go to the inauguration to “witness the shit show.” He posted a photo from the inside of the Metro car he was in on his way there. It was utterly empty. It was glorious.

I’m due in June and I’m barely showing (wide hips and a long torso on a first time mom, so I pretty much just look chubby), but I’m still showing with my singleton more than she is with her “twins due in March!”

I remember laughing him off as out of touch back when he said that in 2012, but in the back of my mind thinking “but give it a few years... what if he’s right?” Goddamit.

For any confused as to why we’re discussing @propanejane, the Twitter account of a teenager who only retweets pics of “hot girls” and whatever highlight reel @NBA puts up that day, Propane Jane is the account’s Twitter name (is that terminology right? I’m bad at Twitter) and @docrocktex26 is the actual Twitter handle.

I’ve always wondered about that but have never found a person familiar enough with the nuances of filing taxes while having significant student loan debt that can tell me what would be better for us. We just file jointly out of ignorance.

You’re right! I was confused. Apparently any loan balance forgiven under standard income-based repayment plans (20-25 years of regular payments) is considered taxable income by the IRS, but the balance forgiven by public service loan forgiveness is not. Well my long term savings goals just shifted significantly.

That was news to me so I just looked it up as he will be making more after the 6 year mark. Apparently a “Qualifying Repayment Plan” includes all of the income-based repayment plans as well as the standard 10-year repayment plan, however you have to make the majority of your payments under the 10-year plan if you want

The generosity only extends so far, sadly. My husband has med school loans and as long as he keeps working for non-profit hospitals (which 80% of the hospitals in the US are), he qualifies for loan forgiveness. And since he makes practically nothing as a resident and fellow for the first 6 years out, he qualifies for

I’m still early in my pregnancy (just hit the 2nd trimester today, woot!), so my husband has come with me to all my appointments so far. Especially easy since he’s a doctor at the hospital I’m going to. Anyway, the OBs I’ve seen have made comments like “these are going to get routine and boring. You don’t need to

I got pregnant in October (on purpose). If it hadn’t happened that month, you’d better believe that I’d be back on birth control right now. My poor, soon-to-be half white/half Pakistani baby.

I’m lactose intolerant and Silk does indeed make a SoyNog which is passable and much appreciated, but far inferior to the real thing. Lactose intolerance makes me cry regularly for all the delicious dairy I am missing in my life...