
Implants have a tendency to flip over or rotate in the pocket for some people, so the thinking is that if there is texture on the implant itself, the tissue regrowing in the area after implantation will have something to better “grip” on to and these issues won’t occur. But this cancer occurs when that regrowing

My friend and I (who knew no one else there) were the only people that didn’t ignore the request. I wish I had known that when my dog chewed up my super cute fascinator right before the wedding and I had to rush order a new, ugly one to replace it.

I went to a similar wedding. The reception was English Tea Time themed. We were served 3 tea sandwiches each. The wedding was at 11:30. The reception at 2 pm. We were expected to dance and be out of the hall by 6 pm. And wear fancy hats. What.

How did you get a picture of my old Passat’s dash?!

I appreciate the time and effort you took in bringing this piece to us. I thank you for confirming that I never need to spend time thinking about this man ever again. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

Oh my god. That is horrifying. Those poor workers and the terrible painful cancers they will almost inevitably get in the next 15-20 years.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

But Aurelio’s, tho

Because I never envisioned myself having a Desi wedding as an option while growing up as a white suburban girl. My Pakistani in-laws threw an amazingly extravagant, multi-day affair, but having a “lame ass white people” wedding was important to both me and my very westernized husband. It was a crazy and exhausting

A friend has a 4 month old named Kayden. I just can’t. At least Kayden feels better than the two friends who named their sons Braxton and Brixton (different sets of parents) a few years back. Now the newest friend’s baby’s name of Hugo is awesome. They’re the good people.

Girl. Some of that stuff is cute, but $46 for a single onesie? I only buy my kid new clothes when Carters is having a 50%+ off sale. I love me some cheap used clothes. Do you know how fast a kid burns through a onesie either with stains or growing like a weed? Hard nope.

My college roommate’s ex-boyfriend was weirdly super into giving her hickies. All. Over. Her. Neck. Constantly. It was super strange. He later was caught lying to both his girlfriend (my college roommate) and his parents about going to grad school for 3 years when they all tried to make arrangements to come to his

...Did we go to high school together? I had this exact same situation happen. The planning committee went with a wayyyyyy too big and expensive venue because 800+ of the 900+ people in our graduating class joined the Facebook group about the event. So no one signed up. So they moved it to a smaller and still

Also in the mid-2011 camp. The previous update to this one prevented my computer from printing anything, so I’m in the process of transferring everything to a cloud-based back up, then retiring her. She’s served me well. Dunno what, if anything, I’ll replace it with at this point. A laptop isn’t a huge need in my

I live at the top of a 3 story walk up and face this problem all the time. Usually, I’ll buzz the person in and then walk down the stairs to meet them, so they don’t have to come all the way up. But only because I choose to. I’ve never had anyone refuse to come up the stairs, fortunately. One time, however, I had to

I am going through this hardddd right now. Not doing fertility treatments myself (I wish you the absolute best of luck, that process is brutal and you’re amazing for doing this for your family!), but prepping for a cancer preventative mastectomy in 2 weeks. So lots of pre-op appointments and it’s really hard not to

This post was the first I’ve heard about it and I saw it at 2:32 pm EST. I would’ve gone...

K, but does the same apply to cheese? Because cheese > bread, obviously, and it hurts my heart to waste it.

Cool. Cool cool cool. I’ve got the bad genes and have a preventative mastectomy scheduled for 3 weeks from now (a la Angelina Jolie circa 2013). I’m gonna be soooooo nice to my anesthesiologist. Damn.

The dance was put on by the school and the carnival was put on by the city. But yeah, our area had way more fucking money than it should have.