
Right there with you. I have to shower every day due to this useless hair type. When I use dry shampoo, its in the evenings when I’m about to go out, 10 hours after I washed my hair, because the strands framing my face have become too oily to be publicly acceptable.

Fuck Macy’s.

My husband emailed Pence to “report” me for not disclosing details of my menstrual cycle to him. He wrote it up for me. I married a good one.

everyone’s favorite marigold-hewed upside-down bumblebee hind

When I was younger and first going to the gyno as a teenager, I was already self-grooming and was super embarrassed about it because I thought I was the only one who did so. So I purposefully stopped grooming 2 weeks before my appointments so I’d look “normal” when I got there and she wouldn’t think I was the weird

My former boss had something similar! I’m assuming she didn’t have this specific strain because she didn’t die or even have to be hospitalized during the 8 months it took doctors to figure out there was Candida in her bloodstream, but it’s horrifying to think that could have happened. Her main complaint was extremely


I just downloaded the audiobook from my library! Very much looking forward to this.

Well, good news is that mayflies only live in really clean, oxygen rich water. So the Illinois River is technically in very good shape around the Havana area!

Not a physician myself, but married to one. I can confirm that at least in Indiana med students have zero exposure to or training in any type of abortion procedures, even post-miscarriage assistance. I don’t know if training is provided to residents at the Catholic hospital he’s doing his residency at now, as he’s not

For added hilariousness, watch the videos with closed captioning on. Jack’s name gets changed to Jackass! Also, the cc never really *gets* Safetyville right. It’s quite amazing.

I’m trying to figure out how to binge the Olympics as a cord cutter. We have an HDTV antenna, but is NBC going to be broadcasting the events live like a normal damn tv station since Rio is in a timezone that works for US viewers, or are they going to do summary programming in the evenings like they did for Rio? Anyone

I started in on Phase 4 in December and six months later, I’m back on Phase 2. In my case, it was a job change, but now I’m realizing I need a full on career change and have no idea what I want to do with my life.


I am so fucking happy about this I started tearing up at my desk. Then again, there’s a decent chance that I’m newly pregnant (!!!), so that also may be fun new hormones at play!

She’s running to outst my republican senator and I am so excited to vote for her. Even though my republican senator is the only republican who voted with the Dems on the gun control issue, and has done so consistently and sponsored gun control legislation, I want to weaken that party as a whole any way I can.

I drove my friend’s 2005 Chevy Cavalier once when it was about 7 years old with 80k miles on it. I thought we were gonna die - either from the steering wheel refusing to turn (horrible grinding sound), the breaks giving out (damn spongy), or the car just refusing to car in an explosive manner (all the other noises).

I think he’s only got a year on her actually... I am so ashamed I know this.

No - It is a delicious maple glazed donut with a piece of bacon on the top. Is amazing.

This is kind of off topic, but back when I was a baby Sophomore in college, I started dating a guy who was a political news junkie and he got me into reading Drudge Report. We were both blue as they come - we campaigned on campus for Obama, voted for him in 2008, and took an overnight bus to his inauguration. But we