On behalf of Taylor, ew.
On behalf of Taylor, ew.
I mean, my entire exposure to James Woods has been through Family Guy and this debacle, so I hardly think him winning a petty lawsuit is going to change my overall apathetic, slightly disgusted opinion of him...
I was both angel7892003@... and dancinduckee88@... Why did anyone let me do that?
Between that and all 7 kindle books (TO DATE!!!) being $15 on Amazon yesterday, my month has been made.
Not entirely related, but I need opinions. I was walking home from work one day and passing a used car lot. Some guy walks towards me from a row of cars and demands I tell him if I know of any agencies in Chicago that help people who get stranded. When I told him no, he was incredulous that I did not know such things.…
This has me so conflicted. On the one hand, as a woman with a BRCA1 mutation and who is trying to figure out the timelines for her own life altering mastectomy and oopherectomy, I’m always happy when this issue comes up in popular culture because knowledge is the first step to being proactive about your health. On the…
I have the BRCA1 mutation from my dad’s side. This is not a matrilineal problem.
I’m really hoping for sand, because whoever would put bare handprints in snow is slightly masochistic (which I say as a frozen midwesterner). But then, they are supporting Carson, so...
He’s awkward with his arms yes, but I kept getting distracted by his face. But then it was ok because a hole appeared in my monitor where his face had been. Now my hand hurts for some reason.
I’d also advocate for Mirena, even though I’m one of the unfortunate few who it did not work for. Getting my first one allowed me to learn of my propensity for ovarian cysts that were being controlled by the hormones in pills but not in IUDs. I was pretty bummed out both about it not working for me and the pain it was…
But, all the polls had him way ahead... for months... and now he’s claiming he was a long-shot. I know this is basic Trump and I shouldn’t let him surprise me anymore, but I just.... I just can’t.
Haha like the time TSA at O’Hare wouldn’t let me through security with my O’Hare employee badge that allowed me to walk around on the tarmac unaccompanied? When he was wearing the same exact badge? Seriously, some of them can’t tell their ass from their elbow.
Not to hijack the thread, but I need a place to rage. I’ve spent HOURS over the past 2 weeks trying to figure out how to get my new health insurance through a Catholic university to pay for my birth control pills, as they’re legally required to provide a mechanism for even if its another company paying for it, and…
I would ask if you’re my brother, but my monstrosity was a Passat and needed an entirely new transmission and exhaust system as well. That’s when I sold it.
What’s that about 27% of pie? Does that even mean words? Am I brain dead from dealing with awful clients all day?
Shhhhh, no one tell them these herbs are made of chemicals and grown via chemical processes. It will scare them. That will toxify their inaccessible wombs even more!
Sorry you have to go through all that as well. Chin up! A diagnosis and subsequent proper treatment may help? *internet hugs*
Ugh, again, sorry this happened to you. I went to Rush for my HBC prescription because, although my insurance is through Loyola and I get huge discounts for getting my care there, they don’t prescribe it. I thought Rush would be safe for my normal OBGYN care and - since we wanna try for babbies this year - delivery.…
Fibroids, heavy periods/cramps, AND an 87% genetic risk of breast cancer that is slightly held at bay by long term HBC use right here. Plus not being ready for kids. But that last point about my finances and personal sexy times choices obviously outweighs my legit current pain levels and impending cancerous doom.
Well I’ll definitely give you that one. My friends who are on/have been on teams posted videos of their routines that were fun to watch, but far more often they were posting shots from their bikini calendar photo shoots they had to take part in or other marketing shots in their various uniforms. Personally, those…