Slip 'n' Slide Yogi

Despite what I sometimes imply about my mom, she's pretty chill on the landing a man front. She wants grandkids, though; every now and then she'll get drunk and whine about that. My dad was even worse on that end. He was always like, "Never get married; marriage is a bullshit soul-detroying institution for suckers.

Here's a question: Does anyone get repulsion?

It's a known thing that I date men for a year and a half. After that, like magic, I just shut off. Even when I was getting engaged. When my new boyfriend came around, my uncle asked him, "do you know about her two year curse?" it's cute that he thinks I can last 2 whole years with one man. One and a half. One and a

I had a bit of a pattern: I had 2 relationships end at about exactly 13 months, then 2 relationships that ended around the 2 year mark.

what relationship ??

My relationships usually last 10 months. I pretty much know they're the wrong guy after 4 months, but hold on longer than I should for social or financial reasons.

My late father was married 4 times, for approximately 9-10 years each.

It got to the stage with the last few, when they came visiting with him at around the 9 year mark, I would give them a slow, sympathetic and slightly awkward smile.

Considering the only meaningful relationships in my life are books, about as long as it takes to drain the battery on my Kindle.

The communities with the lowest vaccination rates are high income. These are wealthy families obsessed with everything natural and organic and avoiding toxins and chemicals and thinking their special snowflake children shouldn't be jabbed with needles.

I don't know about all states, but here in Florida, my son was vaccinated for free.

I miss Hyperbole and a Half sooooooo much.

I didn't realize until you said that that I totally saw it in my head with Hyperbole and a Half illustrations.

This show is so good. I would watch Gillian Anderson watch paint dry, but luckily, we have "The Fall" instead. Stella Gibson is my second favorite GA character, behind, of course, Scully.

Obviously, Anderson's Stella is simply incredible. My second favorite actress on the show? Olivia. Girl is adorable and a straight up talented actress. I love her accent too..."Daddy!..."

my favourite was the "for fuck's sake!" right before she hit him

Thank you for posting this. I've been singing the praises of The Fall since it first aired on Netflix a year and a half ago. Mostly by posting Stella Gibson gifs. ***Spoiler-ish in comment below***

Sometimes my partner likes to bring up how hilariously out of it I was on fentanyl during my (very lengthy) labour. I am a pretty high strung, neurotic person so it was a treat for him to see me so... chill. At one point I told him I was the queen of the world.


You know, I try really hard to avoid getting offended by others writing about their experience. But FFS, women are already given way too much shit for admitting that they are not perfect moms all of the time. With both my children, I struggled through difficult pregnancies, fell instantly in love when I met them (and

I'll tell you what nobody warned me about: All the goddamned laundry. We went from doing laundry maybe twice a week to doing it three or four times A DAY. (Granted, we had twins, but still.) Even having lived through it, I still do not understand how they generate so much laundry.