Slip 'n' Slide Yogi

It was the NBA playoffs theme song and nearly killed me

"Rude" I just... I can't. Someone tried to convince me it had a (singular) redeeming quality about it noting the syncopation and I think I may have actually thrown something at them.

I think the suit definitely helps with the ridiculousness of it all

Unfortunately, while I'm not completely shocked that some asshole wrote some twisted shit like this and decided to put it on the internet, I am surprised they went to the length of self publishing it and asking people to pay money for this.

Definitely the cutest proposal we've seen on here! Aw, this is precious

Thank god the closed the chapter (for now at least).


We will miss you Stephen!

Odalisque variation from Le Corsaire for a competition

I'm so happy her new album is doing well. I love her so hard.


I was bummed about losing almost 200 followers... Thanks RiRi for giving me some perspective.


This is just one of the reasons I won't be joining a gym any time soon. I'm a firm believer in group fitness classes. I know that some gyms offer classes, but I've subbed in to teach those classes and it's generally been a hodgepodge underpaid mess. I'm sure there's the exception to the rule, but I have yet to


"They won't miss these knives..."

Now I NEED to know what this is about

Choking on fried chicken, eating cereal and milk with a fork, etc... Food and theatre is really the best[worst].

Oh god, I was Joanne in that show and we had issues with people trying to take licorice from the set all the time. They thought they were sneaky about it too. We were also in a black box and it's shocking what people think they can get away with. Our happened in Seattle where people should have know better as well.

I'm thoroughly convinced we need an open thread about how shit goes wrong with food onstage. The stories are ALWAYS good