Slip 'n' Slide Yogi

Not sure why someone would think the best time to try riding a horse (we are assuming for the first time) would be in a giant wedding gown. But then again people who do ride and know horses would probably think this is a terrible idea to begin with...

I just made a post about this but I think it got buried. There was a similar discussion in a feminist forum I belong to about how men can help and what they can do. A man came forward and said this which I thought was perfect.

The author's view on "good white people's" actions following the recent events reminded me a lot of what an acquaintance wrote in a feminist forum I am a part of about what it means to be a man in the conversation. While it's not exactly the same, just replace some of the verbiage and I think this is what the author

I'm actually nervous to listen to it. Real apprehension. I'm also very protective of my Sondheim and I'm excited and scared. Although more scared right now... Should I dare listen?

I've done an "ab challenge" with a boyfriend in the past and I don't think either of us did very well...

This should not be any surprise. If I were a celebrity you better bet your ass I would have the damn sexiest bodyguard ever. Although that would probably be a bad idea because I really don't need to be charged with sexual assault.

I'll gladly say that my husband and I talk about men more often than women. We'll be out and see some gorgeous guy and husband will say, with a twinkle in his eye, "You want to fuck him." And I'll agree wholeheartedly or we'll go into terribly superficial debate about why not (too much beard, not enough chest hair, I

My mind is completely boggled by the idea that that many people believe the Virgin Birth. Total and complete mind fuck.

The more the merrier, come on down!

The EMTs checked blood sugar at the restaurant and it was fine. Although I'm making a point to just eat MORE in general. It's hard to eat very much when you have a 5.5lb alien creature in your belly.

That's exactly what I was told happened to me. My mom said I was contracting so hard while I was out. Hopefully this isn't my body's reaction to painful contractions!

I have generally low BP as well, and around my second trimester is was very low, but now it's what most people consider normal.

Perfect blood pressure until the episode happens (I was hooked up in the ambulance) and then the pressure bottoms out and my heart rate dropped crazy low.

I know I started a long thread but I'm crying too hard from the last episode of The Newsroom to respond to anything. ALL THE FEELINGS

My husband has expressed these feelings to me (both of us are agnostics) and I'm one of those weird people who finds comfort in knowing there is nothing else for us after death. He is also scared ro miss out on the future and seeing what happens in this world. I like knowing that our lives are short and we have just a

I feel dizzy imagining rent for $450... That's a beautiful beautiful thing.

Holy shit. That's absolutely terrifying. Thank god she and her baby were alright!

And that's one reason we tell first timers in Bikram yoga to fight the urge to go outside into the air conditioning or not to take a cold shower if they feel over heated! Going from hot to cold will definitely do that.

Its so odd. The third time I started to go in the ambulance I told them I started to feel nauseous and light headed. Everything started to become really bright like everything was white and they were able to push zofran and get me flat and on my left side before I lost consciousness. While out it was happening my

I saw my OB the next day and she didn't see any reason why it would have happened from the test results. But we have my mother staying with us 24/7 so I'm always supervised. And I stayed in maternity triage for monitoring for a while and besides some contractions everything seemed fine. So very odd.