Slip 'n' Slide Yogi

Yeah it was very odd because I stay extremely well hydrated and had just finished a meal. Mostly scary because I worry about the baby and it happening again. I showed my OB the paper work/test results the next day and she was very confused but not overly concerned.

They couldn't find any reason it happened. It's happened once like that before, and in clusters as well, but that was 8 or 9 years ago. My blood sugar and iron were fine, EKG was perfect, they didn't really do any neuro tests. In the ambulance my heart rate dropped dangerously low and my blood pressure bottomed out as

My mother has had serious depression issues for years as well, particularly after my dad died unexpectedly 5 days before Christmas 6 years ago. I would bake for her because we both know that there is no magic present cure. She seemed to genuinely enjoy something I made for her. Maybe something like that?

Oh god. Were you alright after that hit?

Wild fainting stories anyone?

My husband and I are monogamish as well, and I feel badly because I had been on pelvic rest then bed rest (no sex since beginning of August) and both of us are horny as hell. If I didn't want it so badly I would've definitely given him the hall pass to get some.

If there are no chairs, BECOME A CHAIR.


Vogue India is BEAUTIFUL. It also helps that the Indian models and celebrities might be the prettiest people I've ever seen.

The best way is on a pan, covered, on medium heat for a few minutes! Crust gets crispy and toppings are fabulous! Just discovered this after years of hating leftovers.

First time in my pregnancy that I feel like I've done something right! But really we're just too cheap/don't have counter space to have a microwave...

LOL I think it's best to just have that unfriend and block up! Less shit to deal with. And speaking of exasperating MILs, mine showed up today an hour before she said she was going to so no one in the house was ready and I just cried in the shower until she and my husband left to get started on lunch early. I can't

I have Bambi's voice in my head yelling, "MOTHER! Mother?!"

Vogue India wins simply because of this cover (an oldie but a goodie)

Resist the cuteness!!!


Yep, they'll have you alternate between ibuprofen based and acetaminophen based painkillers so you're not getting too much abuse to one organ. Too much acetaminophen, bad for you liver. Too much ibuprofen, bad for your stomach lining.

We are moving immediately after we have the baby, only 1.5-2hrs away, but still, I definitely understand that and am not looking forward to it.


Sure! Come on over, she's doing lines off my pregnant belly :D