Everybody is Noob Noob

Oh shit, he’s onto me!

I saw it a mile away, and the journey was no less satisfying.

Who do I root for? On one side, we have a nonverbal orange-haired monster, concocted by capital to appeal to and siphon money from unsophisticated rubes, who has irritatingly saturated social media and (perhaps due to forces somewhat beyond his control) politicized sports. The other is Gritty.

Yep. Mike Tyson briefly touched on this. Remember the Malice at the Palace, in which the fan instigated Artest rushing into the stands? Heck in hockey you can fight one another without impunity but when darker persons partake in it they’re called thugs. Even thugs in soccer aren’t called thugs (called hooligans).  

Khabib should not have jumped over the cage to attack Conor’s BJJ guy who was spouting verbal garbage at him throughout his big moment. He should indeed be penalized.

I haven’t seen anyone justify Khabib’s actions.  What I do see is a lot of people wanting Dana and the UFC to admit that they did spur this on.  They sat idly by and let Connor say vile things all because it sold PPVs.  Now the ramifications of letting Connor run wild and using his words in their marketing campaign

And it’s 95% of the UFC fan base.

Connor and White seemed to be the only ones not picking up on the fact that Khabib was not fucking playing. Connor comes out like a cartoon villain, insulting Khabib’s family, manager, culture and religion, he throws a fake fucking kick at the weigh in and Khabib does nothing. Because you know where he’s from it’s not

I honestly can’t read anyone praising McGregor for anything—and I have relatives who adore him—without wondering how they’d feel about him if his skin was a few shades darker.

 It's actually more like an asshole swallowing itself

So like, the Venn diagram of people who still like McGregor and MAGA chuds is a single overlapping circle, right?

I don’t know man, really? Banned forever? The UFC let Conor insult Khabib’s team’s ethnicity/religion/identity with impunity. And I can imagine the dude that Khabib went after in Conor’s corner was probably saying that most racist, terrible shit you’ve ever heard during the fight.

Dude seriously. You let one person control your organization the way the UFC let McGregor do, and you reap what you fucking sow. The Islamophobia shit was so disgusting that any other mature organization pulls him immediately. But the UFC let McGregor get bigger than itself. But that’s also because Dana White is a

​Conor fans are so delusional. They watched their guy lose four rounds and tap out, yet want Khabib stripped. They are pretending like there’s no history of teams fighting teams in and around the octagon after fights; are totally ignoring Conor’s actions at UFC 223, and his taking the islamophobia to 11 when

Why even write about this? Are we going to ruin Javy Baez’s life over what he did 35 minutes ago? Plus, three of his best buddies on the Cubs said they didn’t remember any interference.

I have no horse in this race but Barnes was obviously trying to get Kobe to flinch or react in some kind of way. While he was being a fake tough guy, he was looking right at Kobe. After the non-flinch, he looks up and to the left to actually try to pass the ball. Kobe’s facial expression never changes. Basically

That is one magic basketball.

The ball is moving on the right side of Kobe’s face as he moves away.

He’s the mascot we need, not the one we deserve.

Falcons fan here. We’d love to be 2-2 right now.