Everybody is Noob Noob

I can barely get this goddam machine to print how am I supposed to get to the women broadcasting

A Gap penetration. Backside penetration. Rub routes.

I suspect that’s the real reason Fox News fired him. He told someone to pick up a book. Surely that’s going way off message.

Telling a respected professor and PhD to open a book...it’s like he’s just too lazy to tailor his misogyny to the target. At least show some pride in your shitty craft, dude!

I thought he meant Adam & Eve the erotic clothing/dildo store which is an odd place to tell HS students to shop.

If by white collar career, you mean stacking shirts at JC Penney’s, then maybe.

You can see the guy’s white-collar career flash before his eyes the moment he realizes he’s been caught on video screaming racial epithets.  

He got better

They don’t try to hurt people?! They blew up Vince McMahon’s limo and killed him!

Tuba Lube would kill to be as accomplished as Michelle Obama. All this spermburping jerk has done is be blonde and racist. 

I want to give so many stars for this.

Not really. There's no shortage of magashitheads running around. She's like catnip to those fuckers.

Take a look at the number of likes in that tweet and you’ve got 31.5 k reasons to get out and vote in six weeks.

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

I blame the injury on the airbag not deploying during the Carr crash.

I think another typo in the production process assumably explains the chronological confusion here. Hopping from 2248 to 2298 and back to 2245 is just one of the hazards you face when you’re fighting the Predater.

Honestly thought this was the smartest thing the coaches could’ve done. Luck has been overused and abused for so long, it’s refreshing to see the team actually act to protect him and his career

Or the Colts figured they should put Jacoby Brissett in there for a low percentage play that requires chucking the ball 70 yards. Not because they don't trust Luck's shoulder, but because Brissett has a cannon and there is absolutely zero finesse required for the play.

It took him that long to realize he was on the Bills?