Everybody is Noob Noob

But he also killed the guy who killed Hitler! What a dick!

“Say what you will about Hitler, but at least he killed Hitler.”

If you had told me after the first Thor that Chris Hemsworth would end up anchoring a massive crossover superhero movie with his comedic timing and emotional range, I would have been...skeptical. But he was almost the MVP of Infinity War. I was stunned, even after enjoying the hell out of Ragnarok.

Between Mary Jo’s fastball and the Pennsylvania grand jury report, that’s going to be a lot of retired priests.  

The weird knee thing only happens in Joe Theismann mode.

You talking about Ivanka or her dad?

Yes, but did she demand to speak to SNL’s manager? We all know that is the truest evidence of peak white lady rage. 

A rich white lady with thin skin? Man, I believe it when I see it.


Considering the location, I’m almost surprised that woman did not get jailed for publicly embarrassing he owner husband.

“Jury Rules Former NASCAR Driver Must Pay Ex-Wife $1 for Hidden Cameras in Bedrooms, Bathroom”

Always Kobe flinching truthers...

I know we’re supposed to be laughing at Pryor, but anyone who fake swings on someone to try to get them to flinch is a huge douche.


Watching Roger Stone end up in handcuffs will be a singularly amazing moment. I hope Mueller throws the book, the sequel to the book, the prequel to the book, the book spinoffs, the TV script for the book, the movie script for the book after the TV series, the script for the edgy reboot of the TV series of the book,

Can you imagine sitting at the thanksgiving table with this despicable Great-Gazoo looking motherfucker?

Good. Can you imagine sitting at the thanksgiving table with this despicable Great-Gazoo looking motherfucker?

Talk about burying the lede. Mike Francesa is on Twitter?!

As a (Army) veteran and a first responder (Fire/EMT) fuck these sanctimonious assholes. There’s absolutely nothing disrespectful toward the military about these protests. They have every right to protest.

“Jokes on you, Robby. My wife has a nut allergy, which is why we can’t even have sex anymore.”