Everybody is Noob Noob

Never underestimate the lengths and depths people will go simply to cover their own ass.

The thing I find so confounding about the complicity of USAG/MSU/USOC is... why? Once the allegations started to surface, why keep him? Did this shitstain appear to offer anything special? Did he seem to possess unique skills above and beyond the average sports medicine practitioner? Or was it really just the purely

Either way, you’re getting someone who’s spent a little time sitting courtside at Barclays.

I found Assault on Arkham pretty enjoyable.

“They’re too immature.” - Man who at 39 got drunk, crashed his car into a telephone pole and then fled into the woods.

Yeah, no, I have a kid with autism, and if his empty dirty plate is left in front of him for longer than 30 seconds he will have a meltdown. I try to stack the way I would want them stacked, but unless the wait staff is super quick about cleaning the table, I need to stack them before I have a screaming 12 year old.

People always talk about hockey fights as super-manly, but come on. It’s all sound and fury. They’re wearing helmets and throwing punches with no legs behind them. Of course the refs let them keep fighting. I’ve seen harder blows landed in grade-school slapfights than in that video. Come back to me when a hockey

Totally agree. The headlock is the go to move for when you don’t want to fight but you don’t want to get punched either. Which anyone who has a little brother can attest.

Idk but that headlock was awesome

what was Bjelica ejected for?

Damn Afflalo, you got Serb’d! 

It’s almost like when you break apart a team that was a few pieces away from making the playoffs to make money that the left over players might be pissed? Who knew?

Chris Paul currently ranks 16th on the all-time leaderboard for VORP at 73.59 (source: https://www.basketball-reference.com/leaders/vorp_career.html). Only PGs ahead of him on the list are Jason Kidd (11th, 78.19) and Magic (12th, 77.40). Dude is a premier perimeter defender and insanely consistent and efficient

“Malik Jackson on Blake Bortles: ‘He’s a dog’”

More like the Cleveland Cavel-tears!

I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt your felines

Derek Bortles with the playoff win!