Everybody is Noob Noob

I prefer Mumen Rider.

At the same time, the government would need health care workers to run the national health care system so wouldn’t that result in a lot of those people just transitioning to government employees? I’m sure that workforce wouldn’t be opposed to that.

I’d add everyone who was non-American that played a role in the Wire. I thought every single one of them was from Baltimore. I had no idea Idris Elba, Dominic West, and Aidan Gillen (Irish) weren’t from the US until I heard them in interviews. The same goes for the brits on The Walking Dead.

Seriously. I remember that same rhetoric of the older you get the more conservative you get but no one ever took into account that the Republicans would kill reasonable thought and common sense.

Is a lot of money involved? Then yes they are ok with it.

It wasn’t even tolerable then.

Good Place got boned royally. Not only is it consistently funny, it has to do so with network restrictions. They get around it with extremely clever workarounds. Probably the most underrated show on TV. Never even heard of Fleabag before last night.

+1 Fig Newman

Um, what is that headline picture? I don’t recognize that guy at all. I thought Gruden was a red splotch. Who the fuck is that dude?

Thank you, I was ready to say this shit and you said it all for me. Any kid over the age of 4 shouldn’t be in a stroller. No kid over 2 years should be breastfeeding and leashes should be banned. At that point, it’s about the parents and not the kid. They kid no longer needs mother’s milk and the kid should be walking

Unfortunately my half Ecuadorian/Puerto Rican American son falls into this category. I try to explain facts and shit to him but they must have brainwashed him somewhere along the way and he’s super right leaning. It didn’t come from the schools or from us. We live in a very left leaning area in NJ and my wife and I

So is Cardi B going to actually drug dudes and steal their wallets in this? Asking for a friend.

Fuck yeah we are!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait are we trying to be humble? Fuck yeah we’re the most humble out there! “Murica #1 most humble country in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just don’t replace the guns with walkie talkies last minute.

What in the living fuck is going on in this country? Seriously? WTF is wrong with lawmakers and law enforcers in this fucked up backwards ass Trump era?

Yeah but the ones that are nested in my front bush are completely red.

Damn kinja, I wish I could give you 1000 stars. 

Everyone forgets X-Men First Class which was also pretty good. They should have gone with Vaughn’s vision and fleshed out the series leading up to DofFP which was good but could have been better.