Everybody is Noob Noob

I’ve always kinda assumed she was on SSI or something. I think she qualifies, at least mentally speaking. She probably does have some diagnosis of some kind. ....I think I’ve unintentionally made her sadder.

“You sons of bitches! This is how you spring it on me?”

You may also know him from such driver’s ed films as “The Funeral of Leadfoot Larry” and “Alice’s Adventures Through the Windshield Glass!”

Same.  I knew him from such films as “Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die” and “Gladys the Groovy Mule.”

We all do, Billy. 

I miss Troy MacClure.

Is no one going to call bullshit on them using the same name for their parody Avengers team as Rick & Morty?

Who in their right mind (I said RIGHT MIND) would want a body like kim’s? She looks ridiculous and those clothes accentuate how caricatured her body is.

the whole clan is a bunch of mutants, and it upsets me that this is the yardstick to which beauty is measured. All I can hope is that history does not remember them fondly.

Not to mention this entire family retouches every photo within an inch of its life, so even Kim doesn’t have a body like Kim’s body.

The thing that drives me insane about the K clan is this. Kim looks fucking ridiculous. You do you but, the thing is this. There are young women out there comparing themselves to all of them. You will NEVER have a body like Kim’s, she didn’t even have a body like hers. Waist training, plastic surgery, fillers etc etc

If that means that there won’t be any more Bob’s reviews here at all, that is unacceptable.

Nothing. I’d just sit around until the golden parachute kicks in and then bail. For goodness sake, how many final last chances does Harley get? Just let them, and their whole poisonous cult, die.

it was strong of you to do that. welcome to the other side 

I quit this show after the season premiere, the straw that broke this camel’s back after 10 years. Reading these recaps to see what I missed, I realize I don’t at all.

Now playing

Here’s the segment from Sunday’s Last Week Tonight and they bring up this very things right in the beginning. Sure if we switched to socialized medicine we may lose an estimated 1.8 million jobs in the U.S., but is that really the worst thing? I mean there’s enough other types of insurance out there that some of these

You just can’t take the truth can you...

People on the internet were absolutely convinced Bernie’s army fought everyone, even though it was really just a small minority of them.

“There was only one problem: People on the internet were absolutely convinced Bernie’s army fought everyone, even though it was really just a small minority of them. In those days, internet people didn’t realize that they weren’t the majority, and journalists went along with it because pretending whatever was on

I’ve had some legitimate laugh out loud moments, but it’s definitely become more and more about plot as it enters the endgame