Everybody is Noob Noob

Just so we’re clear...you don’t want YouTube controlling what you can and can’t see, but you want there to be a law defining what Fire Departments can and can’t say?

They were tied up from someone who could have been in genuine harm that wasn’t of their own doing.

doesn’t matter how stupid the victim is.

That’s your take? A guy voluntarily sticks his head in a microwave, fills it with an expanding, hardening substance, and then films it with the intention of profiting from it... and you come away from all of that saying that the FIRE DEPARTMENT should be ashamed of themselves for calling out his idiocy?

How does Betsy DeVos get a job as Education Secretary?

I don’t get it. I thought these racist fucks were proud that they’re getting their moment in the sun. Own it, fuck muppets. You can’t be afraid of what a bunch of SJW, cucked libtards will do. Be your strong, alpha-manly self. Sack up, heroes. Or, keep deleting your internet history and pissing yourselves in fear that

Their GM and scouting staff have also done a really good job of cleaning up the tire fire they inherited.

Just a reminder that Okafor in 2015 was the *third consecutive year* Hinkie used his top pick on a center, even when it was clear then the direction the NBA was headed and how quickly they were losing value. Since every post mentioning the Sixers seems to bring out of the woodwork the fanboys who vociferously insist

They’re fun to watch! They run around like crazy, share the ball, bomb away from outside, and generally comport themselves like they want to knock the dicks off the better teams they’re facing. He’s doing a hell of a job.

Kinda OT, but Kenny Atkinson has done one of the more unfathomably good coaching jobs in the league so far. I mean, you look at this Nets roster and wonder how exactly they’ve won more than say 2 or 3 games at this point.

ADDENDUM: Based on this trailer, we are within touching distance of a Jurassic/Fast & Furious crossover, and I am officially like “Screw it, whatever, let’s do this.”

This looks astronomically stupid and I will still go see it.

You know you fucked up when even Barstool commenters are calling you a creep 

No, but based on your comment, there’s no upshot for pronouns, either.

The Nets have won more games than nine other teams in the league right now. The Nets have a couple of interesting young players and a good coach. The Nets play in a fun location. The Nets play hard every night. So I’m not really seeing why playing for the Nets is a downside in 2017.

But how would you even pivot on your pivot foot with that heel on the ground?

I like him. I’d like to see him out in the field a bit more, but I guess he’s kind of expensive.

Okay this is where I reveal that it only dawned on me recently that’s the actress that had that “I’m Mad At My Ex” death in Jurassic World. And yes, they should seriously let her use her English accent. It comes out every 5 minutes anyway.

Patrick Ewwwwing amirite?