Everybody is Noob Noob

Goldblum ahh finds a way...

Justice League 3: The People’s League

I want one scene....just ONE scene...of Ewoks hunting and eating Porgs.....

“The Problem with Porgs”.

If you look at that 2013 Celts/Nets trade in a dark bathroom while looking in a mirror Danny Ainge appears and marries your mom.


The video description on Youtube is also wonderful

See, as much as I want the FF back in the MCU, this is why I don’t want Disney to buy 20th Century Fox. There’s NO WAY that Disney would have done a trailer this wonderful and hilarious. Kudos, Fox.

Wow! I had no idea! I’m glad I read the comments before voting, cause I was going to vote Detroit.

The fuck it sells well.

I would have said the Ilitches robbing Detroit, but they already paid the bonds back. Twenty. Eight. Years. Early.

Asking me to choose which stadium scam I dislike most is like asking me to choose which of my children I dislike the most, by which I mean I hate them all equally because they make my life a living hell.

I did a 180 on James during The Decision, like many, and went from liking him to despising him. The Mavericks Game 2 comeback in the 2011 Finals is one of the great sports moments I can recall, and I still remember where I was during the Game 5 of that series, celebrating with my friends. And none of us were Mavs

Spot on about his pettiness; something about him irks me in a way that Jordan and Kobe never did, even though they were just as petty and spiteful. I think that hat is pretty much the cipher for why it feels like such a put-on, like an angsty edgelord wearing a misanthropic t-shirt.

It is impossible because humans evolved to eat meat. We’re going to.

“Come, let us gingerly touch our tips.”

But childish is Lebron. And the fuck about picking a country to like him? Citizenship isn’t a popularity contest.

I don’t approve of the photographer’s cropping at the waistline.