Everybody is Noob Noob

I was into Tarantino and Smith too but not so much on the getting high thing and punk shows. I lived in the ghettos of Newark so tastes varied widely but getting high and punk shows were not on my radar.

I was born in 81 and I am probably a little too old but I enjoyed the anime. It was a lot more lighthearted than most animes and the video game was super fun. I used to play the original game on my Gameboy for hours each day. I mean, you were 16 when it came out and I was 15 so you weren’t exactly an adult.

You misspelled cocky asshole.

Are we sure his name isn’t Lou Carvallo?

Who in their right mind sleeps with necklaces on?

He’s slowly overtaking Draymond Green for NBA’s biggest asshole award.

Reminded me of the time Spence in King of Queens didn’t move in an episode opening.

I disagree, Sawyer and Kate doing it in broad daylight is in fact, not gross.

So that’s why everyone loves Gritty. 

She reminds me of him.

The best time I had watching the Nets was when they had that young core of Drazen, Derrick Coleman, and Kenny Anderson with Chuck Daly running the show. They never made it out of the second round but if Drazen wouldn’t have died, I think they could have made serious noise in the east. The second time I enjoyed them

You’re probably right. As much as I am a Knicks fan I would love the Nets to get a nice complimentary piece to Russell. If they do, they have a chance at getting far in the playoffs.

I get Simmons is talented but how far can you go with a guy who gets absolutely no respect when he is 18 feet away from the basket who’s entire game is to handle the ball.

Knicks: “Dumbest organization? Hold my beer.”

As a Knick’s fan you don’t want them to tank. I get it, The Knicks can get Zion and the Nets could have gotten talent. However, the way they are structured and the way the team is being ran is a million times better because players see they have a good coach, front office, and they want to play for them. They have

Will Florida really be missed though?

I would wait all fucking day if that shit was free.

Wine mixer?

So Germain is getting fired right? Cloud Atlas? I’ve forgotten that movie even existed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it or wanted to see it based on trailers if I can even remember wtf it’s even about.

I love everything about this comment.