Everybody is Noob Noob

Thank you for putting my frustrations out on text. I’m still floored and can’t find the words to describe how much I want Gettleman to get a heart attack and drop dead alongside Shurmur.

The sensual Reggae gym dancing is still my favorite part of that closing song.

Why do I get the feeling that Kid Rock is imposing on The Rock and Chris Rock. Their looks are definitely saying “get this washed up asshole out of here. He’s ruining our picture”.

Well what else is a super tortilla good for if not for salsa?

Be careful what you wish for...

Damn and I thought I loved their chicken.

Penn and Teller discussed this on their Showtime show years ago.

So no Bob’s Burger review this week?

Can we all agree Colby is irritating? I never liked him.

Oh Captain my Captain.

I tapped out about 2 years ago but I still read Rob’s recaps. I feel like I get the gist and I don’t have to suffer through an hour of the show.

Duff and Rafi from The League (Jason Mantzoukas) would be the ultimate pairing.

I still need to see Rudy’s screen play come to life from House of 1000 Bounces.

YES! AOC for PREZ 2028!

Obligatory video:

Why wouldn’t you get an antenna in that case?

THANK YOU!!! I thought I was the only one. I like everyone else but her. More Rosa, more Santiago, Less Gina.

Why wouldn’t they just play flag football then? Makes more sense.

Nothing about either times he did it was funny at all. I am a fan of Brooklyn 99 but not of this garbage.