
I can’t remember which site I was reading (it may even have been Jalopnik) but there was yet another story about VW/Audi/Porsche joining F1, and down in the readers’ comments someone was saying they were bored of the story repeating again, then pointed out the London Grand Prix story hadn’t been run in a while and

You can’t really be a world class city unless you host a world class chili cook-off.

You seem to have misplaced this story on your way to The Onion editorial desk.

The East End Boys are just trying to entice West End Girls to their deadend world.

Interesting. But the last sentence is more intriguing.

so deaf people cant enjoy racing??? got it.  

When literally every other ways of keeping track of money and transferring money around the planet uses less energy than cryptocurrency... Your just dumb.

At the end of the film, I was wondering what happened to the other car. I figured it was under a tarp in some basement somewhere.

Shame they don’t explain the story at the museum. Racing in the 50's was super dangerous. Dropping out of the race and closing their program isn’t a dishonorable story to tell. 

Some executive probably didn’t want to have an exhibit regarding that time a Mercedes Benz killed a bunch of people.

Its a campaign made of many many many events, activities, charitable donations, purchases, investments, bribes, appearances, etc. over time. It says “look how progressive we are, invest and do business with us in the long term” while helping gullible people look the other way.

One race isn’t going to change the global

The Kingdom is specifically carrying out public relations activities (like Formula E) as a way of hiding their totalitarianism; the US is not.

The Kingdom made motorsports part of the discussion, the USA did not.

Don’t forget the Global Auto Salon that went on as the leadup to the Formula E double header, plus the massive RM Sotheby’s car auction happening this week. All of it is a distraction from their atrocities and it’s sadly working.

In Saudi Arabia a reporter is murdered for his words.

So much effort and time spent trying to change it’s image, while avoiding the only real choice.

I would also like to add the huge turnout from MotorTrend and other major players at the Global Auto Salon. Totally repulsive.

Standing up for something isn’t sufficiently ironic, cynical and smug approach to take, today, it seems.

Formula E, WWE, Special Olympics...the list goes on...

It’s the fact that we have the intellectual bravery to ask the hard questions and take people to task for what they’re up to. There’s an excess of vile motherfuckers controlling countries like China, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etc, and you sticking your head in the sand doesn’t do a damn thing for the poor people that live

Sssh. You’re giving Pence a boner.

*cough* Go Like Hell *cough*