
I’m pretty sure Mercedes are still doing Season 8 before they leave... And they announced it about 24 hours after they won both championships; there were only rumours beforehand.

Not a fan of cryptocurrency, but surely racing in Saudi Arabia is already the antithesis of everything Formula E claims to stand for, and for far more morally questionable reasons? FE were one of the first motorsport series to go to Saudi, and last year there were even missiles launched at Riyadh during the podium

Your complaint about Peter Miles witnessing Ken’s fatal crash at Riverside seems odd; in real life he was there, so I don’t see why they should have changed that as IMO it’s so much more of a gut punch because Peter was there; the inaccuracy in that scene is actually Shelby; he was in Detroit at the time and had to

A lot of the cobblestones around Napoleon’s tomb were laid by PoW’s during WW2, and as such they hold huge symbolic and historic significance, to the point that FE can’t just leave permanent tarmac on top of them as it would be seen as massively disrespectful.

Funny you mention that; the next FE round is actually going to take place in Zurich, and it’s the first motor race to be held in Switzerland for over 60 years.

Andretti Sports Marketing were going through a ton of legal issues at that time. They’ve not returned as a promoter since. Everyone knew Miami was a mess (I also heard they’d pissed off environmentalists) but other rounds were slightly better organised. The ones that aren’t well organised tend to dissolve into legal