Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

It should not be forgotten that the global destabilization we are all experiencing lay squarely on Cheney’s shoulders. The fallout of his actions, from the wars in the Middle East, to the expansion of Executive power, are things we continue to feel and suffer for, especially under Trump.

Cheney is a vicious, Nuremberg-level, war criminal.

> Unless his ID had a photo of him holding a gun in one hand

Toyota's actually been doing this for quite a while now.

Do Euripides lame jokes off someone or claim them as your own?

It’s time like this when Donald Sterling misses being a minority owner.

They’re not saying “Boo,” they’re saying “Boo-olton!”

While I love Star Trek, and I generally just handwave away the dumb science (“It’s just a show! These these happen for [techno-babble] reasons!”), the whole “Romulus was destroyed by a supernova and it happened too fast to evacuate the planet” thing kind of stretches my credulity.

Re: Tropicana Field

Media kept it quiet but it is true. You know those comics where he would show one of the kids running all over the neighborhood getting into mischief with the dotted arrows? Turns out if you put those over the map of the city he lived in it would lead right a body.

I’m just glad they don’t all turn out to be sadistic serial killers like that guy that wrote and drew The Family Circus.  

Today I attended a staff meeting where it was me, a cow, a bear, and a sheep and I was like “damn Gary Larson would love this.”

While I agree, I have to say that The Mask was a good, funny movie, while Ace Ventura was just fucking embarrassing. Ace Ventura is to movie comedy what your corner McDonald’s place is to gourmet restaurants.

Bridges of Madison county

Buddy, that’s what they all say

Oh, come on. Throwing a slave master to a dragon and burning thousands of civilians to death are not equally bad. 

Eddie was one sexy motherfucker, man. Maybe Grandpa was right.

Oh man I did something very similar in a coed charity softball tournament. I was playing short and out of instinct tried to do a quick turn two after fielding a hot grounder by 2nd. Not thinking about how there were people on the field who never played, I fired the ball to first where a teammates wife was playing. She

“Hey, Steve, how did the man who survived pancreatic cancer through homeopathy cross the road? Give up? In a coffin. Because he’s dead. You get it? Steve? Steve? Where are you going? I’ve got more jokes.