Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Smart dog. Wait for them to park first. That’s the secret to catching cars.

holy shit, a 1969 Dodge Charger fan is an annoying 60-year-old whiner who blames everything he doesn’t like on the namby-pamby east coast liberal elite? now i’ve seen everything

There have been rumors going around for years that the player’s name on first is Taylor.

I’m starting to think he doesn’t really want us to take his wife. Even though he said please. 

Steam is the name of the dog you silly goose

Now playing

The winning design from The Great International Paper Airplane Book (1967) was from McDonnell, also concentrated a lot of mass at the front, but had an elegant dihedral and floated to make its distance.

I like that idea. Instead of making it a train restricted to specific tracks, it could be like a bus that goes anywhere.

Instead of a big tube with the air pressure lowered, how about a smaller tube operating where the air pressure is already low? Maybe with wings? Is that to out-there?

A well-timed “geez, your honor.....you have Mexican food last night?” will seal the deal.  

You missed a big opportunity calling the ‘MSM’ the Lame Stream Media, big smart man.

Will you find another car blog to patronize?

Instead of trying to bully a writer? Who in the fuck are you anyway?

Woke a motherfucker up on a plane, no - got the man woken up on a plane, to tell him he fucked up music? Really? I mean... even if you believe that (and there are soooo many exemplars of Music Fucker Uppers out there he could’ve been rude as shit to) was it truly worth disturbing a man’s sleep? Did that shit stew in

You are wrong. Simply and categorically wrong.

I’m surprised they didn’t realize those malaise era jet engines didn’t have enough thrust to move a full size boat like a Continental through the air.

I know this is going to come as a strange concept to you, but this is what some of us would refer to as a “reliable daily driver.” Hear me out for a moment, because I think I may help you see the light...

I welcome more to choose from. I feel there aren’t enough of these things and my options are too limited. I also wish there was a bigger selection of burger joints and cheap t-shirts.

<<Diana, who gave him multiple children>>

By the power of Captain Kirk’s light saber, Twiki agrees!