Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

I mean, Embiid was literally crying.

“we’re going to rule the country”

I lived in England for long enough in 1989-1990 that I am considered a Mad Cow risk and can’t give blood. If that doesn’t put me in line for the throne, I don’t know what does.

I mean there were some great post-book episodes- “The Door” was amazing (if, apparently based on a Martin idea) as was “The Dragon and the Wolf”, that said yeah it’s been a downward glide plane now threatening to drop into a free fall. 

No, no. You’re just mistaken.

You can’t be turned away for emergency treatment. You know what is considered non-emergent treatment by this standard? Chemotherapy.

...best to assume that the leading scientists in the field who have dedicated their entire lives to this subject have accounted for basic newtonian physics.

This is the definition of “SJW cultural appropriation bullcrap”. When people rail against “SJW cultural appropriation bullcrap”, this is the kind of stuff they are talking about. It’s not a bad thing that this upsets you. It means you have both a sense of conscious and can think critically. It also means when someone

+1 pinball wizard

They asked Brad’s sister Helen to confirm but she neither heard the insult nor saw the offending pitch 

Trump is imagining his daughter's pie.

Well, he does like the incest

I was part of the team that developed what eventually became the Aztec. The initial concept was created by the GM studio in California. That concept, as many advanced concepts do, began after research pointed to the desirability for a vehicle with a specific set of traits - in this case a sporty, more flexible

I loved learning and playing chess with my Dad at a young age. I wasn't in the mood to play for a bit because of some such game, prolly Super Metroid or Mario RPG, but to get me to play he bet me 100-1 dollars and it was the first time I beat him. So he owed me 100 bucks and I refused to play him again til he paid

Some of my fondest gaming memories over the past 3 decades and more have come in the past few years when playing games with my kid. Whether it’s co-op Portal 2 or dozing on the couch on a lazy Saturday afternoon while she narrates what she’s doing in Breath of the Wild and wakes me up to watch her do something cool,

No this won’t work, because they kids will know you’re using it and will know that you suck. It has to be a secret that makes you look invincible or else they’ll try to overthrow you as Lord of the Family.

More than anything else, this encapsulates the need for better healthcare services for patients who aren’t super-rich.  Given hospital waiting times, it’s doubtful that most of us would be out of the hospital, home and raping comfortably just six hours after a major injury like that.


You could tell these people “You trash rednecks can all eat shit and die- Donald J Trump” and they’d still clap and cheer.