Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

The Maillard package comes standard on all Model 3s.

The publication still raised issues about the car’s wind noise, stiff ride, and an uncomfortable rear sear.

Didn’t they merge with Car&David?

Good thing for that sign. My original plan was to play dead until I was actually dead.

Obviously if it can hold 700 lb while parked, but only 176 lb while moving, they are talking about setting the tent up on the roof while parked, and sleeping in it.

My grandma put that on my upper lip. Burned the shit out of it.

Acck, just brought back memories of Castor oil.

For us, it was my Mom tell me to ‘drink this cod liver oil. It’ll keep your chest lubricated and you won’t get chest colds.’ A couple of years ago, I asked my Mom about this dubious theory, she simply asked, ‘Well, did you get chest colds?’ Checkmate, Mom. Check...mate.


Guys, I think this fact robot might be broken

I often see white parents with obviously adopted black children, I’d call the police but they’d probably arrest the kids.

Glad to be the martyr. You’re welcome.

Whine-1-1, what’s your emergency?

It’s not like she said everyone is getting 40 kilos and a drug mule.

In order to say no to an offer, you must first be made the offer - at which point you know the offer and offerer exist. Because they contacted you and made the offer.

Dear Johannes,

The cop saved everyone in there that day. All that was left for this terrorist to do was grab a Diet Coke and that place would have exploded.

*continually restarts the video at 00:14*

Tool used to break in:

Hot take: The original Supra wheels are ugly and cheap looking.