Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

“in immense pain and with limited mobility.”

If history is any indication, all four of those scenarios are typical Trumpian behaviors.

It isn’t their fault your ears are too insensitive to notice the huge improvement in transients and decreased breathiness in your music. Clearly this product is meant for the most discriminating listener, and only really adds to systems where care has been taken to optimize all areas of the setup, like amplifiers,

I nominate lifehacker.com to start reviewing products objectively and giving advice as to what is the actual best product, not a completely useless forum poll. It doesn’t matter what anyone’s favorite battery (for instance) is. How about testing some?

I nominate lifehacker.com to start reviewing products objectively and giving advice as to what is the actual best

To be fair, it is actually racist in every single context - as much as people want to try and pretend it’s not.

Whatever it is I’m sure it’s better than the science of using acupuncture on a bear. WTF?

Fuck dude, I’m right here.

General non-alignment

Yeah, if there’s one place you’ll typically  hear a lot of mispronunciations, it’s on a blog.

Thanks Wade Ude

We hate you because you are 53 years old and you say things like,

They’ve been in a Super Bowls for the majority of my life and I’m 38. Fuck off

Yep. This is why anytime I sense that I am beginning to fall, I immediately put my hands behind my back and try to land on my face. It’s a well-known fact that the face is the most durable part of the human body.

When I was a kid, my brother got away with everything. He would instigate, I would retaliate, and then I’d be the one who got punished for it. I knew it was because he was the baby of the family, but it still made me mad.

You see, the crease is lava. And you can’t be in the lava with the ball or you catch on fire. You can be in the lava accidentally without the ball, but you have to leave immediately.

Seriously, the only way this video gets worse is if they round the corner and find a clown waiting for them. I would literally throw my laptop in the trash and walk away.

Sorry, that wasn’t very clear on my part. What I meant is that in the 90s, car makers started putting decent stereos in their cars. And as a result, the ‘need’ to put an aftermarket stereo into cars pretty much diminished (and, because they were harder to pull out or looked more integrated or what have you, thieves

Madden and high school football are the same thing as the NFL. It’s not like there is some super secret play and rules that make the game different. The players are better, and some of the rules are slightly different - that’s it. The play would have been made the same from pee-wee to NFL.