Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

They were in cover 4 prevent if I recall correctly. That was a perfect call, keep everyone in front of you and inbounds, wrap up, game over. That poor S went for the big hit, nothing the coaches can do about that.

Verne Troyer really needs to stop drinking so much.

You know the seven chakras, but instead we have eight.

suckerdumped there weren’t we

I’ll bet the guy who threw the punch is the type of guy who calls 3 second violations while playing pick up games at the Y.

When I heard he left nothing to his children from his first marriage, I got a bit torn...was he very good?

Yeah, I agree, Deadspin should be running an article every week on how great Brady is.

RIP Derby. We will miss your wisdom, good boy.

Shut the fuck up

Probably a Morgan, with the wooden chassis.

Only Democrats waste money, silly.

You couldn’t be more wrong. My son was immaculately conceived as well. My wife got pregnant even though we hadn’t had sex at all in the month she conceived. So miracles do happen if you put your faith in Jesus.

It always bugged me how Drew Carey constantly brought up how the points didn’t matter. Dude, we get the joke, Clive Anderson didn’t feel the need to keep shoving it down our throats so why do you?

“Alexa! Report sexual assault to the Police!”

I was so surprised when I found myself sat in a theatre full of wypipo watching the movie and when the “I would have voted for Obama a third time” line dropped, this hushed simultaneous GROAN rolled over the room in perfect time with my eyeballs - I actually laughed out loud.

I liked the point (even if what I took from it wasn’t intended.) We always hear of the Trump lovers, shouting and spitting racists, that we should fear. But for every one of them there are ten White racists who either don’t realize their biases or go through great efforts to conceal them. They make much more effective

Anne, I have to say that usually I love the depth and analysis of your writing, but this piece was just...there was something more personal to it for me that really resonated.

Thank you for this article. Melania Trump is another good example. People like to pretend she is a victim and has no say in being married to Twitter fingers. If she was a Black woman they would just call her a golddigger. Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, and every garbage White woman is given chance after chance to mess up