Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Probably wasn’t too secure to use one of Peter Gammons’s tweets as your password, anyway.

Huh. Apparently in the 80's, you had to push a button to ignite your Ferrari. Thank goodness that new technology automated the process!

See it sooner rather than later. So much of the enjoyment came from how unpredictable the plot was.

“Add this clip to the Golden Tate mixtape Chicago Bears blooper reel:”

Egads, my esteemed colleague! I must take great umbrage with your unmitigated stance as a wanton mongrel map monger!

Not trying to be a contrarian to all the crazy love this movie is getting, but you won’t miss a thing. There is honestly no shocking moments in this movie... there is one unexpected death, but it is setup so poorly and broadcast so hard that it is hard to call it anything other then mundane.

The plot, as was stated in

what about assigned-seating theaters with those giant cushy recliners? those still aren’t great for me because i am several inches taller than they were designed to accommodate, but it helps, and you would really appreciate seeing this one in a theater, i think.

Let’s just say there is at least one jaw dropping moment that won’t be as effective if you know about it going in. But it’s such a thrill-ride of a movie that it’s enjoyable regardless - I mean I’ve just seen it this evening and I’ll probably be watching it again in a few days and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it just as much

There is one spoiler which is almost on the level of the Vader reveal.

Somewhere between the two examples you gave, I think? There are a few major things that you’ll probably have spoiled if you wait, but there are a lot of surprises, so a lot of it will feel perfectly fresh, if that makes sense.

You can wait, you won’t miss out on anything.

There was no moment as great and shocking as the Vader reveal. But nothing stacks up to that does it?

Watch it, its not so much the twists that make it good, its the way their done, the lead ups

I’m sorry I can’t give you a star right now...

Also relevant, Cooper Manning has spinal stenosis, and last I checked, he didn’t play football after it was diagnosed because of, well, dying.

Chris Samuels played 141 games in the nfl (6 pro bowls, all-pro in nfl, also ,all-sec, outland winner in college) and had been diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis as a child, eventually retiring after a hit brought about temporary paralysis. He was ridiculously lucky, but I’m sure there are varying degrees of severity.

This is how legends are made.

N*gga rymes with N*gga, last time I checked.

That “party style” cut is an absolute abomination that haunted me through my undergrad years in Chicago. WHO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO HAVE SO MANY PIECES WITHOUT CRUST? DURING PHYSICS LECTURES? WITHOUT NAPKINS?

Now playing

I refuse to believe that this is a popular ‘breakout’ song.