Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

So...is it just my computer or does that gif really suck?

Similarly, Gronk had to get a team of surgeons to remove the Super Bowl ring he got stuck on his dick.

If somebody stole my wallet they’d know my DOB from my State-issued ID, and my SS from my Medicare ID.

The reports that Microsoft Paint has died were incorrect it seems

Daley Blind sounds like a braille newspaper

I think it does invalidate it. Because the punchline is he has to get a regular tape measure at the end.

I think it does invalidate it. Because the punchline is he has to get a regular tape measure at the end.

You do realize it works just like a regular measuring tape too?

You do realize it works just like a regular measuring tape too?

I voted third party. I live in DC, which went 94% for HRC.

The Democrats left millions uninsured because they wouldn’t fight for single payer. You can eat my ass with yr fake outrage.

Well, we know what happens when someone tries to tell Kobe “No”...

“Go fuck yourself.”

I would watch soccer if it were like this all the time.

Boyz N2 the Hood

Generally if you see someone supporting a racist fuckwit who is bad for literally the entire planet, its a good thing to call them out and make a big deal out of it.

Pictured above: the fan-favorite character, Cardoor

If tacos and hot dogs are sandwiches, then so are folded slices of pizza. Is that the America you want to live in?

Taco a sandwich? That’s some InfoWars level food take bullshit.

I thought “Fuck” was just his title: “Mr. Larry Bird”, “Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson”, “Sir Edmund Hillary”, and, “Fuck LaVar Ball”

For more, check out his profile on Tender.

Cumin! I meant cumin, I swear! Damn space bar.