Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Someday, I may actually finish reading the article I linked to and prove you wrong. Then you’ll be sorry. Someday.

I get it, you want to be willfully obtuse and dense, thus want to dismiss what I said as “strawmen” even though it directly related back to what you said

Airball? That was nothing but net twice.

LOL, wrong, yet again. That’s exactly what Bernie has tried to do:

I just heard that David Wright is starting for Eli Manning this Sunday if his 72 hour stretching marathon goes well. If not, Jose Reyes will suit up.

he has said white working class is his priority, and therefore should also be the DNC’s.

Lay off Cadfael, you punk! It’s hard for a CSI monk to find to find work these days.

And you know damn well that I explained my reasoning afterword. But of course you cut that part off.

Hispanics and Latinos tend to be much more conservative and tend to support Republicans. 

It’s a good thing they recruited a master carpenter for the reproduction. There’s no way a novice could produce something so precise and detailed.

Well, I’m a liberal Latino in Vermont who did much less than Bernie did for the Alabama race, and I too feel like “we” won because that Senate seat affects me just as much as it affects the people of Alabama.

I’ll disagree with you. When my wife and I moved to Boston we weren’t aware of its racist reputation, but we were both shocked by the amount of casual racism that people were perfectly comfortable dropping in the workplace. And while most of the people I interacted with were polite, there was definitely an increase in

I drill my artisanal ice holes using nothing less than the finest vintage hand augers. Using a DeWalt? Disgusting! Why not take a shit on the ice while your at it.

I get that. But the difference is that Molyneaux stopped turning out good stuff years ago and became a punchline. Not everything del Toro’s associated with comes to fruition, but plenty still does.

He was there the whole time, pulling strings like a puppet master while sitting at the bar in a Morn costume. The real mystery is what happened to the real Morn? Answer: He was assimilated.

That’s not quite fair. Many of Peter Molyneaux’s ideas are half-baked from the start, but he’s too convinced of his own genius to realize it. And when he does release something it’s a shadow of what was promised. Despite all the things del Toro’s been associated with, he still manages to consistently churn out high

This reminds me of the time I tried grocery shopping without an autonomous cart: Pea soup, Twinkies, and blood everywhere!

Jesus! I saw Jim Nabors in the headline and thought it would be followed by “Accused of Groping Some Women”, or something like that. I’ve never been so relieved to find out someone was only dead. R.I.P.

I tried putting change into my cupholder once, but freaked out, and in my panic ran over an old lady. I wiped the gore off my bumper, and quickly put the change back in the change holder. NEVER AGAIN!