Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Hmmm? He does have the magnetic appeal and mustache of all time great politician Joseph Stalin.

You obviously haven’t seen The Polar Express. He plays a conductor who lures children onto a train with promises of candy and hot chocolate, and then delivers them to a child molester at the north pole. Since seeing this, I burst into tears any time I hear sleigh-bells. Absolutely chilling.

I was driving down a dark road one night, and in my periphery I saw an anteater in the woods, which is odd because I’m pretty sure there aren’t anteaters in Massachusetts. I pulled over freed a raccoon that had gotten its head stuck in a travel mug and was blindly walking in circles.

A Titus themed Christmas?

My grandmother actually played with the exact same rules as men. By the time my mother was in high school, they had changed to the 3v3x2 rules in order to protect the fragile female constitution. They were also only allowed to take 2 dribbles before they had to pick the ball up. The best scientist of the time had

My Grandmother once scored the winning basket in a high school basketball game. The final score was 2-0. Either that or my Grandmother was a dirty liar.

Now playing

My favorite part of that scene is that Dwight quickly opens and closes the fridge as he runs by.

That’s not how this works. I see ads for rum, Volkswagon, and a Star Wars video game. When I open this page again in a new tab, I see ads for rum, Pizza Hut, and Call of Duty.

I totally get it. It’s like how I’m actually a way better driver when I’m drunk and high. When I’m sober I’m a menace.

Man, that would have been so funny if his head had, like, popped off and then, after a slight delay, his lifeless corpse splashed to the ground in a pool off blood. If the salesman had really committed like that, he probably could have closed the deal.

My dad played against Lew Alcindor in high school. Spoiler alert... They did not win, although he claimed he blocked a sky hook (from behind).

They’re not attracted to headlights, but can be susceptible to spotlighting. You shine a bright light on a deer at night, and it will creepily stare back at you, unmoving. Most people think it’s because they’re hypnotized, but they’re actually trying to steal your soul. So if this happens to you while your driving at

He’s also a wizard. The defender is closing in, and he somehow teleports the ball into the goal. Amazing! Although I have reservations about having someone of his ilk being allowed to play against muggles.

I love hitting the open roads and balancing my motorcycle by manipulating the steering wheel.

The twist is that while he was unconscious someone drenched him in Axe Body Spray.

Q holds a special place in my heart because it was the first time in my post-baby life that I saw boobs. I remember almost nothing else about the movie, but there was a lady on a roof that took her top off, and the shot lingered. That I remember.

The same does not hold true for yellow crayons. Oh God, why did I invest sooo much in yellow crayons?

You’re halfway to a car with a cow catcher on the front. I say go all the way because... Well, I’m just sick of all these fucking cows.