Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Death by yak sex. My father went the same way.

Jumping into a pile of dead leaves is a seasonal rite of passage for most kids

It’s also going to be confused with the standalone flick “So Low: How Jar Jar Became a Limbo Champion”.

It’s not so bad once you realized that the schools founders were just huge Billy Idol fans. It’s similar to how Florida State fans make a chopping motion while singing White Wedding.

Watch the movie Get Out. Racism comes in all sorts of flavors.

I agree that all Trump supporters aren’t racist. They’re just the type of people who support a man who says racist things, re-tweets obvious racist propaganda from white supremacist sites, and installs racist white supremacists into important Government positions.  These people who say all Trump supporters are

He’s probably judging  the the entire movement based on the fact that rather than confronting the issues raised by the protests, it latches on to imagined disrespect for the flag or our troops.

My first Five Guys guys experience was crushingly disappointing. It’s just a shitty burger on a shitty bun squashed into a foil snowball. There were five of them, and not one of them could figure out how to make a good burger? It’s not that hard. I’m in Northern Vermont now, and I’d kill for an In-N-Out, but for now

The major problem I see is that my pass-through trunk is what I already use to fulfill my Jeffries tube crawling fantasies. The experience will be ruined if I have to get in the trunk the normal way.

I’m going to start selling a Dora the Explorer “I’m the Map” based navigation system. It won’t annoy anyone.

You are tearing me apart, Orlove! Oh, Hi mike.

Jesus! These Promise Keeper meetings sure have changed since I stopped attending. Was the table a metaphor for adultery?

It’s clearly a psychosomatic laser beam. The same one used to make people ill when you tell them their food has been tainted by MSG even when it hasn’t. Exposure to these laser beams has also been shown to cause men to think their penises are shrinking or even inverting. Most of these lasers were destroyed when the

This closely mirrors my own experiences as a hermit shepherd, although in the film it was far too difficult to tell which one was the robot and which one was the human. In real life, if I became confused, I always knew the robot was the one that was not me. Also, my Charles still hasn’t come home. I miss him.

Collins also had to deal with his pitching coach going AWOL every time a new Despicable Me movie started shooting.

No. But just before they hit, the pigeons would inhale silver spray paint an squawk “WITNESS MEEEEEE!”

Comment of Tomorrow? I’ll give it a shot.

Yeah. I get bored and change my name when I think of something sufficiently stupid. I’ve been a few other names too.

Security told Jauregui that he had to remove his mask as it exceeded the maximum allowable headroom.

I can’t really say that gluten free bread is good, but it’s come a long way. I remember getting some tapioca bread back in the day that was so inedible that my only recourse was to break it up and feed it to some pigeons. The pigeons flew down, picked it up, and, I swear to god, collectively looked at me and said,