Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

I visited El Yunque after Hugo and it looked much like it does today. Very depressing. But within a few years it was almost like it had never happened. As a bonus, the pre-Hugo hillsides had been dotted with the gorgeous but non-native flamboyant trees, while after the recovery I don’t recall seeing any.

You’re right. It should be most goodest.

Blessed are he who pilots the DC-8. Woe to all who pilot inferior shitboxes.

Nope. Not going to watch it. I have the image of him pumping away at Mufasa while doling out life advice, and I don’t want to lose that. In fact, I’m going to assume there’s a scene in a later episode where he’s fucking an ostrich while saying “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings”, or some shit

Is he fucking a lion as he says that? I’m just going to assume that’s what he’s doing.

He’s on the wrong type of bike.

  • They are what Luke has been eating to stay alive.

And why the hell did the police, who had already zeroed in on the box, wait till midday, when the beach was now full, to actually check? Why was Robin so sure that the shooter would be hiding on the beach? As far as she knows, he’s fled with her daughter as a hostage. Why would you think someone holding a hostage,

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Will you settle for Charles Bronson being bewildered by a sex toy?

Calling someone a white supremacist simply because they embolden and espouse white supremacist ideals is like calling someone a pedophile simply because they sexually molest children.

You overestimate my ability to learn.

The problem is that there often multiple, obvious ways to connect major events that are not really fucking stupid, but the writers don’t seem to care, or are incapable of finding them.

The thing that really irritates me about the whole Littlefinger plot is how pointless it was. They didn’t entrap him in any way, or use it to uncover incriminating evidence. They had exactly the same evidence against him as they had in the second episode, and could have dealt with him then. Their devious, time

Little tip. Never be a Pol Pot tourist.

This is a tie in with the new Cars movie where Mater innocently gets picked up and taken home from a bar in Milwaukee by a cannibalistic serial killer Jeffry Beamer. The scene where Mater opens the fridge an sees this stuff is chilling. 

They’ve already released the new new logo. 

Don’t blame me, blame the DC Alternate Universe. It’s the same logic they used when they renamed Atom to “The Amazing Occasional Little Person”, although that one does have a nice ring to it.


I think that’s where visually impaired Clark Kent worked in the DC Alternate Universe, at least until he accidentally walked into one of the buildings critical support beams.