Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Pretty much the only reason to know by heart another persons SSN and date of birth is identity theft (other than maybe your spouse or kids). The guy could have obtained this by going through garbage, stealing mail, peeking at his file at the school he attended, any number of ways.

I thought using “LaVar Ball” canceled out “Fuck”. English grammar is so confusing.

A little more in defense of “hung”. This is a case of common usage eventually superseding an outdated grammatical quirk. It makes sense based on the way we normally use English, most people use it that way, and, most importantly, we’re not losing any meaning by using it this way. So, I’m OK with it.

That’s the normal “Fuuuuck, I don’t wan’t to have to stick around for extra innings and do my job” strike zone. I don’t see the problem here.

Nope. Definitely not Jesus. Hair’s too short.

You might be right. He is an oft overlooked pioneer.

Nahh. I’ve looked more closely, and I’m pretty sure it’s just the witch/pretty girl optical illusion.

Who the hell the guy in the lower right formed from Gandhi’s hair wisps and Einstein’s drool? 

Thank god we still have long period comets to worry about!

This title made me think I was going to read about an 800 meter race that began with an old lady and finished with a fetus splashing across the finish line.

It’s almost perfect, but you should make it three wheel drive, lift it about six inches, and put some knobby tires on it. It snow once every couple of years where I live.

Ooh, yes. Mayweather will be anticipating movement where there is none, and that’s when McGregor will throw his glove to the ground, slap Mayweather across the face, and yell “Dartanian” in a foppish Irish brogue. It’s genius.

My favorite facial reconstruction was of Kennewick Man (a 9,000 year old Native American that died in Washington state).

Yes Pope Palpatine. Here’s how new pope works. He says something that sounds nice on the surface, like he believes it’s possible for non Christians to get into heaven, and the press trips over themselves trying to describe kind and enlightened he is. How he’s a new, gentler pope. But after all the fawning is over,

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of

I hate this pope. He has this veneer of progressiveness, but when you get down to the nitty gritty, he’s exactly the same as every other pope. I’m sad that Mean Captain Scowley threw in the towel. He didn’t make me feel like a victim of PR bullshit.

This brings me back to the totally legal “moment of silence” from my school. Prayer was 100% optional during it, but if you didn’t pray, you better goddamn pretend to pray.

I’m into the cellulite porn too. Nothin’ beats some chunky thighs. 

Now playing

Maybe he’s an early member of the Nazi party. 42 seconds in.

My great aunt lived to 107, and she had hundreds of friends and family at the end. Sure, her husband, and brothers and sisters were gone by that time, but she just continued to make connections with younger generations. She also lived alone, happily, in her own home for the last 30 years of her life, only needing