Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Spoiler alert. Finnegan takes off too early, and Freiburger angrily yells “Finnegan Begin Again”.

Yeah. I bet within two months you’ll have a post praising the quirkiness of salt damaged, remora infested trucks. Hypocrite.

Here’s a fun story on the birth of the Royal Rumble, which started as a house show experiment that didn’t work.

Jesus people. Be polite. Pitch in. See what happens when you don’d mind your manors?

I, for one, don’t mind paying an extra 20% for a car, AS LONG AS I KNOW THAT THE EXTRA MONEY IS GOING INTO THE POCKETS OF THE 1% RICHEST PEOPLE IN THE COUNTRY. They’re the only ones I trust with my money. They obviously know what they’re doing. It’s not like they stumbled into their wealth through

I used to work for a company which processed and computerized paper resumes for other companies, and we had our own box. Is was a box full of single unmatching shoes. These shoes were sent in by dumbasses who thought this was a clever way of “getting your foot in the door”. No dumbass, not only are you not getting

CP all the way. My Water Buffalo seat ride is way better than this piece of shit. It can go over any terrain, even places even a Rubicon wouldn’t dare, runs on alternative fuel, is semi-autonomous, and you can get a used one for less than 1581475 Vietnamese dong. And no, I’m not talking about paying in penises. Do

Oh come on. A little effort please?

Just to properly set expectations, it’s basically a less successful Reno 911 level show. If that’s your cup of tea, you’ll probably enjoy it.

Welcome home ladies... and Kenneth.

That’s all I know her from (I don’t pay attention to things). For the past few months I’ve been repeatedly delighted that the Halfway Home lady’s winning shit. She was fantastic in that.

How does an NFL quarterback throw like that? It’s the most baffling motion I’ve seen since I saw the how the Witcher throws a snowball. WTF, Geralt. You’re supposed to be a bad ass.

So a Rabbi, a Priest, and a Buddhist Monk walk into a Planned Parenthood clinic, and the Rabbi turns to the Priest and says, “This place is closed!”

When I was a kid in the 80s, we moved to small town, bumfuck Pennsylvania where there were about 10 black families and we were the only latino-ish family. I was a kid, and had wrongly assumed that open racism was something from way back in MLK times. The pinnacle was when my dark skinned, black Puerto Rican

First of all, you’re looking at it the wrong way. Torque steer is fun! Just like turbo lag. It’s like taming a bucking bronco.

This reminds me of the time that someone confused my 98 Corolla LE for a 98 Corolla SE. LE stands for Luxury Edition, while SE stands for Sucky Edition or some such nonsense, and the differences are night and day. I mean, isn’t it fucking obvious that the color of my side mirrors matches the color of the car, and

The first Mets Bonilla contract wasn’t so bad (5-year, $29 million), and he played pretty well over the three years he was there. It was the second contract the Mets gave a washed up Bonilla in 1998 that was the stinker.

I remember when the Bonds scandal was in full swing and Clemens was still thought to have gotten his strength by jacking off in a corn silo, he was interviewed and asked if he had ever taken steroids. His answer wasn’t “no” as you would expect. It was along the lines of “I would do anything that would give me an

I thought that as film aged, it turned black and white. I still think I might be right.