Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

You’ve haven’t lived until you’ve wrapped your hands around the Sams Choice, single spoke, leatherette, steering wheel. I Highly recommend the Cheryl Tiegs edition if you can find it. Driving bliss.

I tell ya, the things some people need. Electric assist? Hydraulic assist? Steering wheels?

I can’t wait to go electric. The problem is, the right car doesn’t exist, even though the hurdles that would make my dream car are already solved. Right now the biggest weakness with electric is range. One of the main ways to combat this is by making small cars with tiny drag coefficient. That’s a worthy endeavor, but

And very good Cameras. The 6p also has a High Resolution OLED screen.

Keep looking just a bit longer. You’ll see it change.

If it makes you feel better, I’m actually getting better at writing music as I age. When I was in my 20s, I could barely write nursery rhymes. Now that I’m in my 40's, and I’ve unearthed this mini Casio keyboard, I’m writing full on nursery rhymes with hoppin’ synthesized background beats.

I regretted my comment after I made it. I’ve used old jokes too, and even made nearly word for word the same original joke as someone else. This one just popped out because I’d recently seen it elsewhere. sorry.

Now I’m not going to argue that you’re terrible people, but this is evidence that you’re not? I’m glad you’re not my criminal defense attorney.

I mean, I work out in my Gucci top hat and diamond encrusted monocle. If you got it, flaunt it.

Normally I don’t care, but I’m pretty sure this one’s a stolen joke.

My favorite part is that I pretty sure he’s saying “Yuuuuge”.

No, but nor do I have a tattoo of a cross and chain pushed oddly to one side to show off a tiny pubic sternum patch.

Seat fell apart, or illegal propulsion method?

I’d believe it. This is a man who nicknamed his own center at Northwestern “cuntasaurus”. Murder, is but a small step up.

I was forced to be a human basketball puppet for a coaching clinic put on by Kevin O’Neill, who was then coaching Marquette. As thanks for having to get up early and dance for old men on a SATURDAY MORNING, he promised to send us Marquette t-shirts and hats. Months later, I received in the mail a packet detailing his

I speak from experience, and yeah, it stinks. But when you smoke it, followed up with a wiper fluid chaser, oh god, it’s like heroin stank heaven.

That was his soul leaving his body.

Old railroad ties and things like telephone poles are/were treated with creasote as a preservative. It’s nasty stuff which can cause burns and damage lungs.

From the pic, I thought it was going to be a feel good story about some old diver that had won a gold medal in the 1956 Olympics and came back to compete on a whim when his current country lost all their divers in a terrible combine harvester accident. Now I’m depressed.

I don’t know know that anyone will see this, but as a woodworker, walking around a lumberyard, pulling out and inspecting boards makes me giddy. Now, I’m not, but I have associated who are reclaimed wood addicts, and some of their finds are amazing. Rare wood, old growth wood, woods that are illegal to harvest today,