Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

The original comment talked about the left hand being in contact with the rim being goaltending. You agreed with that assessment because you didn’t know the rule. Now that you’ve seen the rule and realize you were wrong, you’re misinterpreting a different part of the rule to save face.

Rickon was dead no matter what. Knights of the Vale or no. If they show up and Ramsey is aware of it, he holes up in Winterfell and does his little toy with Rickon death performance from the wall.

It’s not a good point, though. If she had told them the Knights of the Vale might be showing up, there is no way they don’t wait to find out. An entire army was needlessly slaughtered, Including Wun Wun, just to give us a lame last minute rescue everyone in the audience already knew was coming. It was bad storytelling.

Now playing

That’s not Kermit, and that’s not tea. It’s proto-Kermit enjoying a cup of Wilkins Coffee. If proto-Kermit’s unhinged violence and the smooth caffeine delivery of Wilkins Coffee doesn’t get you in the mood to destroy an opponent, nothing will.

Organic, grass-fed, bull urine, aged at least 12 years in a barrel made from the Four-Petal Pawpaw tree.

Organic, grass-fed, bull urine, aged at least 12 years in a barrel made from the Four-Petal Pawpaw tree.

No way. Rubén Amaro Jr. was key in helping in the difficult transition from a Championship team back to a rebuilding stage.

What about Sam Hinkie?

Any transitional fossil that fills a gap just creates two new gaps along either side of it. It increases the total number of gaps in the fossil record. Checkmate, science!

Is the translation of this video “Nissan Leaf, it will make you wet”. I’m trying to understand why they played 80's porn music.

I double-checked. The episode opens to Meereen being pummeled in broad daylight. Then it cut to Tyrion and Daenerys having their pow wow.

Wait. Chewbacca Mom fell from grace? So I should stop sending her money?

It was pitch when they left off last week, and bright and sunny out when they picked up this week.

Shamefully, it’s also the 2004 Redsox for me as well, along with the Patriots first Super Bowl win. I’m a Mets and Giants fan in Massachusetts, and it was fun to support such log suffering fandom. Of course they quickly became insufferable. The worst thing was, I thought I was going to get a bit of cathartic release

1. First of all, to anyone who seemed to think I was an idiot for not getting that it was obviously implied that Drogon went and burned the fleet on his own at the end of the last episode, even though it obviously wasn’t, I give you a hearty “nanny nanny boo boo”. Yes, I am a sore winner. And I hold a grudge. Now feel

It’s all fun and games until the front row gets splattered with little girl fingers.

The “ribbed for her pleasure” of vehicles.

I was terrified by the trailer, but only because I’ve other movies made by Tim Burton in the last 15 years.

Badminton truther here. I’m just kidding. There’s no such thing as a badminton truther.

*Ahem* “The Comrades of Summer” “Fraggle Rock” *Cough*