Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Maybe he’ll go back to one of his classic targets.

That’s fantastic. I hope they escape the explosion.

We were on a long ass a trip, long enough that The Cure song Friday I’m in Love had come on several times on the radio through normal rotation. It came on again, and at around 2:30 in the song, there’s a high pitched wail in the background. This time, my Dad, who was driving, turned around and exploded that he was

And you only beat Vince Coleman. And that guy’s terrible at board games.

Yeah, that’s not what I want. My goal is to have an Amish buggy pull up next to me at a stop light and have the driver give me the “it’s on” eye.

I was thinking about painting my car with the flames starting at the back and heading towards the front. I want to give off a “God damn this car can slow down!” vibe.

I thought Wilmer was about to be taken out by the Cool Aid man at the end there.

My introduction to Isaac Asimov was through the awful Norby comics in Boys’ Life, the magazine for all boys (suck it girls), and thus I have always avoided his work since. Thanks Boys’ Life!

Oh good lord. That’s the dumbest take so far. I didn’t know they had internet in the bunker. Have a bowl of Jim Bakker’s survivalist creamy stroganoff on me.

There may be dictators who take power preaching socialism, but they’re not practicing it. Socialism isn’t giving the power to an authoritarian government and allowing them to run things as they see fit, it’s giving the power to the people. And there are numerous examples of socialist policies being implemented

It has begun. Hybrid warfare.

You don’t need to be able to palm a basketball to dunk one-handed. To be able to pull it back and move it around while in the air al la Jordan, then yes you need big hands.

Wow. Thankfully, my car was a decrepit 87 Buick LeSabre. They only got my windshield and driver side window.

I was spattered with paintballs once. Scared the crap out of me. At least the only fix I needed was a garden hose.

Jesus Christ? Well, when you compare him to the shroud of Patterson, he seems to check out.

And if you eat it with a knife and fork, you’re utilizing the orange bigot theorem.

If whoever grayed me is still monitoring the comments, I’d seriously like to know. It was nice to be able to have normal internet conversations with people for the week I was ungrayed, and I’d like to avoid future problems.

You answered your own question on the problem with Venezuela. Hint. It wasn’t the socialism. I’ll help.

And I was only two days from retirement.