No more avocados

My vote is “that’s bullshit.” If her boyfriend actually was pissed, he needs to grow the fuck up. (Assuming you’re really really 100% just friends with this person, with no romantic interest on either side.) If she thinks this is a perfectly reasonable response from her bf and sufficient reason not to go ... well,

Hey everyone, I need your opinions to see where I sit on an issue.

Happy birthday! When I was thirty I would’ve gone as Peter Ustinov as “old Man” on Logan’s Run.

Thank effing God Thanksgiving is over! My mean family gets turbo charged with negative holiday energy and always makes me feel unwanted and terrible about myself. Better thought: The Bartender and I are back from two weeks in Panama, and we definitely are planning on moving there early next year. We were all over

Weekly Achievement/Do-Gooder Thread! What have you done lately that you are particularly proud of, or how have you made someone’s life better? Spill here so we can celebrate you!

How else are you supposed to get the 19 year old models to leave the rainforest?

A pelvic exam without consent* is sexual assault. Any doctor that does this is completely out of line.

Boo... I thought they were going to run down the top 10 Celine Dion looks.

Hey Ben’s got a teenage daughter if he need tips on using technology. Just, maybe don’t mention WHY you want to know how to download pics, buddy. She doesn’t wanna hear about that.

Hey Joan, thanks for not running the blind item about celebrities at AA meetings. As a person that’s attended meetings, having your anonymity blown is never cool.

That’s just bad business too:  Leaving you sitting there for 10 minutes is missing out on a drink they could be selling you.

I binge drink more at home now, too, but that has more to do with the state of the world than Uber.

I grew up outside of New York City—up until I was like 18 I assumed that all cities had something like the MTA that oversaw the cabs and all public transit.

I have mostly lived in areas with poor public transit and taxi service. You damn well bet I hit it harder when I had assignments in NYC or Boston.

Cities in general have been attracting younger people now for a while. Most kids don’t go to college and hope to get a job in the suburbs right after. They usually head to nearby cities if they can. Younger people often drink more as well.

I don’t care how drunk people are getting so long as they aren’t driving. Thus, I feel Uber is a net positive.

So maybe the better question is, has Uber also helped decrease DUI’s?

THIS JUST IN: People dine out more when you build restaurants. 

Ride sharing is great. Both my wife and I can now get totally shitfaced at a party 30 miles away and be responsible on the return. 

This also implies that better public transit will also increase binge drinking. It turns out if you make it easier for people to do a thing they already want to do, they’ll do it more.