No more avocados

I’ve only seen a separate priceless menu once, and it was years ago.

Now I can’t unsee this!

I hear ya! I don’t know why this is so hard.

My biggest date-food disappointment has to be the chef I was smitten with. He announced to me, while we were at a fancy sushi restaurant overlooking the ocean, that he doesn’t like raw fish, sushi, sashimi or raw oysters. 

I was going to say the same thing as the commenter above me — you sound extremely patient and understanding. How long did you date this person?

Oh no Pumpkin Andy! I’m so sorry that your sister did this to you.

It sounds like you just may not be ready to date, and that’s OK. What you mentioned about your time in the car after that date with that woman ending, and how you think it was a catalyst for you to reflect on things that you haven’t been talking to anyone about, is another big sign to me that you’re not ready.

Holy crap. I was a regular on BCO and engaged with him in the comments a lot. I recall him shutting down commenters who tried to defend the customers in the stories the letter writers were putting on blast (I still remember someone trying to defend a man who didn’t know how eggs are cooked), but I had no idea he was

What?! I honestly had no idea. That makes me really sad, because I liked BCO and the community so much.

Behind Closed Ovens. It was a series of stories submitted by current and former restaurant workers that ran on Jezebel. The community in it, and the comments section in the series, was so great.

I miss BCO so much

I am SO happy you went to the Samish Bay farm! I’m a huge oyster fan and went for the first time last summer, and I was so happy I did not want to leave. Spending a whole afternoon shucking dozens of oysters and sipping on Chuckanut Pilsners, then tossing the shells on the ground right on the bay was absolute bliss.

I’ve been posting about this regularly on SNS lately, so I’m sorry if others have already heard about my Bumble saga, but I’ll share it with you:

That glitter eyeliner is SO going in my shopping cart. I need it! Damn you! :-)

A private chilaquiles lesson?! With him! Oh my god Kevin I am so happy for you!

Oh I totally hear you. I’m working through this myself.

Yay, Beauty Thread! We haven’t had one in a while!

Throwing my two cents in. I hope my experiences (as well as that of my good friend) can help.

Years ago, I had the opportunity to attend some panels/Q&As at Comic-Con with a media pass, and for whatever reason that I can’t recall now, I could not make it. For a while afterwards, several friends have said “I can’t believe you didn’t go!”

Or it could even be done old-school, with handwritten questions on paper passed to a staffer who then gives it to the moderator for screening. I still see this in industry/academic settings with guest speakers.

My skin is so oily, and sensitive on top of that, that I could never pull this off! If I don’t do a thorough, proper cleanse before I go to bed—facewash AND micellar water/some kind of toner—it’s a guarantee I will break out immediately the next day. I trained myself to do this even when I’m really, really, drunk lol