
Yup, I remember doing a lot of that back in the 80's and 90's with my C64 and those old RPGs. The most memorable was Alternate Reality: Dungeon. The dungeon was an inverted pyramid. The top layer was 64 x 64, followed by 32 x 32 and so on until you got down to an 8 x 8 or 4 x 4 level of the dungeon. Another memorable

Bet the secret probably ends up being Drink More Ovaltine.

I knew this PhD would pay off eventually!

Blizzards stance on Tracer:

My friend realized her husband had been calling people “douchebags” when someone cut them off on the freeway and her toddler son yelled “juicebag!” at the other driver.

God damn it, that’s a great joke.

Manziel will love it up here; we have good beer!

It’s a shame they didn’t have those field mics that give you crystal clear audio of the action. Then we might have finally known if Prince knew what he was talking about.

At the very least they should have a “pop-up video” version of the episodes with their day after commentary.

I’m a fellow pay-off-the-balance-every-monther, but acting like some people don’t need credit cards just to survive month to month is being completely ignorant of reality.

Not that I was able to block this out, but now I can’t even try? Bullshit.

The funniest thing about it was the stick attachment. It stuck into a circular hole in the base which theoretically allowed you to move the stick around like a d-pad, but it was stiffer than an old Atari joystick so it was almost impossible to use. The two triggers on each side were nothing more than little buttons

Oh man, I wanted the Power Glove SO BAD. They made it look so cool on the commercials, and of course, I was like 6 at the time...

Shouldn’t it be “Cue the Chevette enthusiasts in 30, 29, 28...”

I remember there was one in the town where I grew up that had a huge “Excitement” decal on the side (back when the Pontiac motto was “We Biuld Excitement.” I guess nearly getting rear-ended on every single on-ramp is a version of “exciting.”

Dear Buick:

You know Rahm is doing his little Veruca Salt stompy feet dance tonight. Kim Foxx is Team Preckwinkle, so Rahm just lost a major ally.

I agree with it all except the comparison of a norm being PC. I like PC’s and here is why. The PC foundation is based on openness. Yea, the ability for other developers to create software using PC code to enhance the PC architecture and make it better. That is why it became so popular. It was embraced by the corporate

That too small tube top with the bbq stains was a bold choice for a gentleman such as yourself.