
Look at this sloth being a lazy bum and eating all the fucking crudité. I love him.

They really do, but girl on right's eyebrows are the worst thing about this picture. They're worse than the baby hairs, IMO. But hey at least they're not appropriation!?

What would be interesting is seeing actual success (in terms of relationship start) in terms of age. I'd imagine plenty of chaps are messaging much younger women but that doesn't translate into getting messages back/ dating. Kind of sad though eh?

I thought Frozen took a look at the tropes Disney built itself on and tried to find a way to subvert them but still keep to the spirit of a Disney movie. I certainly never felt there was "man bashing" ( can we please not make this a thing btw. I only speak for myself and #notallmen but frankly we've done enough shit

I like the 'dress boringly' strategy! I wouldn't have thought my clothes are remarkable, but I didn't give it much thought before either. Once though while traveling, I wore a t shirt that says "Happy!" on the front. I got a lot of attention that day, mainly from fellow travelers, commiserating on travel

I love my boobs even with the pitfalls and bras, I'd rather have them than not.

Did we have the same parents? I don't know how, but I somehow was aware very early on that the things that were pink or "for girls" were either shittier versions of the non-pink things (or the version "for boys") or were at least viewed as such and as a result, rejected all of it. To the point where my stuffed animals

Yeah, I didn't actually care either way about the color pink—but I made a big show about loving it. I believed that girls had to like pink in order to be feminine—and it was my job to be feminine. If I wasn't girly enough, then I was failing, somehow. I was probably around 3 or 4 years old when I remember first

As a kid, I HATED pink. Would throw a huge fit if anyone tried to give me a pink anything. However, this likely had more to do with the fact that my parents were earnest, well-meaning second wavers and in their efforts to keep from pushing feminine things on me, I instead internalized the idea that girly things were

UGHHHHH! I hate stories like this. This is not how you deal with children. And rules in school, especially ones like cell phone use, are not meant to be so iron-clad and hard and fast. Take the time to listen to what the child has to say, to figure out if there is more going on. Their ability to get an education and

You know how when you chop chili peppers or jalepenos, the fiery oil kind of lingers on your fingers, even if you wash them? You have to be careful for a few hours afterwards about touching your eyes...or, you know, if it was your boyfriend who did the chopping, where he sticks his fingers... I may have had an

So here's a different perspective. If a culture has been preparing food in a particular way (say, Chinese chefs hanging ducks by their necks), and the majority of said culture that consumes said food is still alive and healthy, then authenticity serves as a signal of safety. Sure, traditional practices may not always

I have never watched a game in French, but I think it would be interesting. We get stuck with Pierre Maguire, who seems to hate any team from the West Coast, and I'm so sick of his round bald head, his stupid round glasses, and his sleepy, disinterested commenting on the OTHER TEAM every single time.


I have no bartending experience so I'm not sure, but I think it's very context dependent. If a bar is slammed, it's probably bad form to hang up the bartender with a lot of questions. If it's not, then I don't think it's a problem. But also, we don't have a ton of high-end bars where I live, so I can't really speak to

Kilts. Always.

Yes, let's stop shaming men about shorts. It's hot outside for chrissakes. Why is it wrong to dress for the weather? But why stop there. Men in skirts or kilts. Waiting for universal acceptability on this, since I think men can pull them off.


Shorts on a man are fine but I am sick of this baggy knee length thing. Even in swimsuits. Show us a little leg, gentlemen.

Apparently they figured it out. Took 'em awhile.